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Possible funding sources include:
- the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme.
- the National University of Ireland (NUI Graduates only).
- non-EU nationals fee waivers.
- College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences PhD Excellence Scholarships.
- grants from the Italian Cultural Institute for study in Italy.
- County Council: Irish candidates are advised to seek information from their local authorities.
The Eduardo Saccone PhD Scholarship in Italian Literature
The Department of Italian, University College Cork, is offering one scholarship with a total value of €20,000 per annum, subject to renewal. The scholarship covers fees (€5,770 per annum for EU students; €13,000 per annum for non-EU students) and the balance is to be paid as a stipend paid in monthly instalments. The successful recipient must apply also for other, equivalent scholarships for which they are eligible, i.e. the Irish Research Council GOI Postgraduate Scholarship, in the first year of doctoral study and in their second year, as applicable. The Scholarship is normally renewable each year for a period of three years, subject to the student having applied to other funding bodies and receiving satisfactory annual progress reports. Applications to extend the Scholarship to cover a fourth year of study may be considered.
The Scholarship, named after Eduardo Saccone, professor of Italian at UCC from 1994 to 2003, is for PhD research on a topic in the area of Italian literature. To be considered, applicants must have a minimum of a BA (or equivalent) in Italian Studies or other relevant discipline, and have achieved at least a Second Class Honours (i.e. 2H1 or equivalent) in their first or subsequent degree. Applicants should be able to provide evidence of a high level of written and spoken Italian. A working knowledge of English is also required.
The Scholarship includes a limited number of teaching and related duties in the Department of Italian to be agreed with the Head of Department. The scheme will require the student to undertake the equivalent of 135-150 tutorial hours per annum.
The Department of Italian at UCC has an established graduate studies programme, with doctoral students researching topics in Italian literature, language and culture. For more information, please see: https://www.ucc.ie/en/italian/graduatestudiesinitalian/
Our doctoral students are also supported in their graduate education, research training and career development by the Graduate School of the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences (see https://www.ucc.ie/en/cacsss/grads/).
The successful applicant would be supervised by either Dr Marco Amici, Dr Mark Chu, Dr Chiara Giuliani, Dr Daragh O’Connell, or Dr Silvia Ross, in an area that falls within their research interests (www.ucc.ie/en/italian/research/), and will commence the doctoral degree in September 2024.
Applicants should upload the following materials by the deadline:
• application form Saccone Application Form 2024-2025
• a cover letter
• cv
• project proposal on the appropriate form (Application Form)
• a writing sample in Italian or English (no longer than 6,000 words)
• transcript(s) (non-UCC graduates only)
to: https://www.dropbox.com/request/W0ZmR0MwozTs8f10PKx8
Please ensure that each file is labelled by your “LAST NAME, FIRST NAME”. Files can be uploaded in a zip-folder or as individual documents. One you have uploaded your file(s), please email daragh.oconnell@ucc.ie advising him of same so that the Department can confirm receipt.
In addition to the above, the following should be sent directly by the referees to Dr Daragh O'Connell at daragh.oconnell@ucc.ie:
• two references
Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed online (e.g. via Teams, Zoom or Skype). For more information or queries, contact: Dr Daragh O'Connell, Head, Department of Italian, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, daragh.oconnell@ucc.ie.
Deadline for receipt of applications: Wednesday, 5 June 2024.
1. The Eduardo Saccone PhD Scholarship in Italian Literature will fund Year 1 of PhD study in Italian, and may be renewed for a period of three years, subject to the recipient having applied for other funding and having successfully completed annual reviews. Applications to extend the Scholarship to cover a fourth year of study may be considered.
2. Recipients will be awarded the title ‘Eduardo Saccone PhD Scholar in Italian Literature’.
3. Applicants must have at least Second Class Honours (Grade 1) or equivalent in their first or subsequent degree.
4. Applications are invited from students who will commence a PhD (or PhD Track) programme in September 2024.The successful applicant, if not already accepted on the PhD programmein Italian, will subsequently have to apply through UCC’s application process: see https://www.ucc.ie/en/apply/. The award of the scholarship is contingent on the student being accepted to the PhD programme.
5. Applicants should include relevant supporting materials and non-returnable transcripts of their academic record. Graduates of University College Cork do not need to supply transcripts. Applicants should obtain two letters ofsupport for their application. Application materials should be submitted electronically via the link provided.
6. Applications will not be assessed if they are incomplete, or have been received after the advertised closing date.
7. Selection of successful applicants on the basis of the materials supplied will be by the Scholarship Committee established for this purpose in the Department of Italian. Shortlisted candidates will be asked to an online interview. The award of the scholarship(s) will only take place if the Committee is satisfied that there are candidates of sufficient merit who have feasible research topics of academic value.
8. Should, during the period of the Scholarship, a successful applicant also be the recipient of any otherscholarship or grant of a like magnitude, s/he will be required to forego the award of the Eduardo Saccone PhD Scholarship in Italian Literature but will retain the title of Eduardo Saccone PhD Scholar in Italian Literature.
9. The Scholarship holder and his/her research supervisor must submit annual reports to the Committee. If the progress reports are deemed unsatisfactory, the scholarship will be terminated.
10. The Department of Italian should be notified in good time of any medical or personal problems likely to cause disruption to the scholarship holder’s research schedule.
11. Applications will be assessed on the project proposal, academic record, writing sample, and references.
12. Successful applicants must confirm their intention to take up the Scholarship by Monday, 01 July 2024.
Downloadable version: Saccone PhD Scholarship Terms and Conditions 2024-2025