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Recent Phd Students
Mariangela Sanese
MARIANGELA SANESE (Supervisor: Dr Silvia Ross; PhD year 3)
Title of Thesis: Alexandria in Between. Tropes of Emotional Involvement and Displacement in the Egyptian City-Space of Giuseppe Ungaretti, F.T Marinetti, and Fausta Cialente. Undergraduate Degree: Bachelor of Arts, Università Gabriele D’Annunzio di Chieti, 2010. Master’s Degree: Master in Nuove tecnologie di insegnamento nelle discipline umanistiche, Università degli studi di Teramo, 2011. Master in Nuove tecnologie di insegnamento della Storia nella scuole secondaria e superiore, Università degli studi Gabriele D’Annunzio di Chieti, 2012.
Conference Presentations:
- ‘Figure femminili tra displacement e location nel romanzo Il vento sulla sabbia di Fausta Cialente’, American Association for Italian Studies Conference, University of Zurich, 23-25 May 2014
- ‘Alexandria in Between. La rappresentazione del porto in Allegria di Naufragi di Giuseppe Ungaretti’, 7th Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 1 March 2014
- ‘The Harbour of Alexandria in Between Landing Place and Embarcation in Ungaretti’s Allegria di Naufragi’, College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences Postgraduate Conference, UCC, 9 November 2013;
- ‘The Discovery of the self. Ungaretti’s Emotional Experience of the Egyptian Desert’, II European Geographies of Sexualities Conference, Lisbon, 5 September 2013
- ‘Lo spazio come voce dei sentimenti in Cortile a Cleopatra di Fausta Cialente’, 6thGraduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 9 February 2013
Funding: Dept of Italian PhD Studentship; CACSSS Postgraduate Travel Bursary 2013.
M Gabriella Caponi
M GABRIELLA CAPONI (Supervisor: Dr Daragh O’Connell; PhD year 2, Part-time)
Title of Thesis: Convergenze e divergenze nelle opere teatrali di Gabriele D’Annunzio e Luigi Pirandello. Undergraduate Degree: Bachelor of Arts, Università degli Studi di Macerata, 1991. Bachelor of Arts, Università degli Studi di Macerata, 1987 Postgraduate Study: Post-Graduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, University College Cork, 2008. Post-Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, University College Cork, 2007. Post-Graduate Certificate in Teaching Italian as a second Language, Universita’ per Stranieri di Siena, 1998. Post-Graduate Certificate in Education, Queen’s University, Belfast, 1993.
Conference Presentations:
- ‘All’armi, all’armi: Representation of Conflict in the Theatre of Pirandello and D’Annunzio’, Pirandello And Conflict: One Hundred Years From Sarajevo, Society for Pirandello Studies Annual Conference, October 2014
- ‘Keeping it in the Family: Primitive Bonds in Pirandello and D’Annunzio`, I vecchi e i giovani One Hundred Years On: Pirandello and the Family, Society for Pirandello Studies Annual Conference, 9 November 2013
- ‘Sono una donna non sono una statua: an experimental play by Pirandello’, 6th Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 9 February 2013
- ‘Tuda servant of two masters’, Self and Others: Identity in Pirandello, Society for Pirandello Studies Annual Conference, 10 November 2012
- ‘Pirandello in Portugal: Between Pessoa and Tabucchi’, Rua da Saudade: Antonio Tabucchi between Italy and Portugal, UCC, 22 March 2012
- ‘A Curious Rendezvous: Pirandello’s Staging of D’Annunzio La figlia di Jorio’, 5th Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 4 February 2012
- ‘Pirandello’s La figlia di Iorio: Transcription or Transposition?, Generations, Genders And Genres In Pirandello, Society for Pirandello Studies Annual Conference, 15 October 2011
Book Reviews:
- Pirandello e le metamorfosi del testo, edited by Bart Van den Bossche, Franco Musarra and Isabelle Melis, Florence, Cesati, 2009 (M. Gabriella Caponi - Doherty), Pirandello Studies, volume 31 (2011): 95–98.
- Le passioni di Pirandello, edited by Bart Van den Bossche and Monica Jansen, Florence, Cesati, 2010 (M. Gabriella Caponi - Doherty), Pirandello Studies, volume 31 (2011): 98–101.
- Dramatic Interactions: Teaching Languages, Literatures, and Cultures through Theater—Theoretical Approaches and Classroom Practices, edited by Colleen Ryan and Nicoletta Marini-Maio, Newcastle- upon -Tyne, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2011
- (M Gabriella Caponi - Doherty), Scenario, volume VI, issue 2 (2012).
- La lingua del teatro fra d’Annunzio e Pirandello: atti del Convegno di studi, Macerata, 19–20 ottobre 2004, edited by Laura Melosi and Diego Poli, Macerata, EUM, 2007 (M. Gabriella Caponi - Doherty), Pirandello Studies, volume 32 (2012): 91–92.
- Franco Zangrilli, Scrittori allo specchio: d’Annunzio e Pirandello, Rome, Edicampus, 2011 (M. Gabriella Caponi), Pirandello Studies, volume 33 (2013):131–34.
- Michael Syrimis, The Great Black Spider on Its Knock-kneed Tripod: Reflections of Cinema in Early Twentieth-century Italy, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2012 (M. Gabriella Caponi), Pirandello Studies, volume 33 (2013):137–39.
- Caponi-Doherty, M. Gabriella, ‘Pirandello’s La figlia di Iorio: Transcription or Transposition?, Pirandello Studies, volume 32 (2012): 71–86.
- Caponi-Doherty, M. Gabriella, ‘Sono una donna non sono una statua”: Character Identity and Actor Resistance in Diana e la Tuda’, Pirandello Studies, volume 33 (2013): 68–78.
Claire Buckley
CLAIRE BUCKLEY (Supervisor: Dr Silvia Ross; PhD: year 6)
Title of Thesis: Wild Woman: Representations of female 'deviance' in Modern and Contemporary Italian writing. Undergraduate Degree: Bachelor of Arts, University College Cork, 1994. Master’s Degree: Masters in Italian, University College Cork, 2003.
Conference Presentations:
- ‘The Abject City: Perceiving Place in Marco De Franchi's La carne e il sangue’,Tuscan Territories Conference, Monash University, Prato, Italy, 2014
- ‘The Enigma of Survival: Repetition and Trauma in Antonella Tavassi La Greca's La guerra di Nora’,7thGraduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 2014
- 'In Her Shoes: ‘Capturing’ the Female Terrorist in Marco De Franchi's La carne e il sangue', 6th Annual Sibéal Conference-'Intersecting Gender', Queen's University Belfast, 2013
- 'The Fractured Self: Identity Construction in Anna Laura Braghetti and Paola Tavella's Il prigioniero', 6th Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 2013
- 'Foreign Bodies: Representations of Estrangement in Younis Tawfik's La straniera', College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences Postgraduate Conference, UCC, 2012
- 'Bread and Roses: Voicing Discontent in Armanda Guiducci's Due donne da buttare', 5th Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 2012
- 'Out-of-Place: Spatial Representations of the Prostitute in Alberto Moravia's La romana', College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences Postgraduate Conference, UCC, 2011
- 'Bewitching Time: Elements of the Fairy Tale in Gianna Manzini's Tempo Innamorato', 4th Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 2011
- 'Ladies of Light and Darkness: the Female Double in Tarchetti's Fosca', College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences Postgraduate Conference, UCC, 2010
- 'Beauty and the Beast: Subverting the Angel/Monster Dichotomy in Margaret Mazzantini's Non ti muovere', Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 2010
Funding: 2010 Recipient of Erasmus Mobility Scholarship to conduct research in Italy.
Nicoletta Mandolini, IRC Postgraduate Scholar
NICOLETTA MANDOLINI (Supervisor: Dr Silvia Ross; PhD year 1)
Title of Thesis: Contemporary Italian Narrative and the Theme of Femicide. Undergraduate degree: Bachelor of Arts, Università degli Studi di Macerata, 2009. Master’s degree: Master’s Degree in Italian Philology, Università degli Studi di Macerata, 2013. 1st Level Master’s in Teaching Italian as a Foreign/Second Language, Università per Stranieri di Perugia, 2014.
Conference Presentations:
- ‘La marginalità del femminile nella narrativa italiana contemporanea. Il caso Sappiano le mie parole di sangue di Babsi Jones’, Chernarus. Ai margini – Fra i margini – Oltre i margini, Banja Luka (Bosnia Herxegovina), 14-15 June 2013
- Raccontare oltre la fine della storia. Interconnessioni tra New Italian Epic e Gender Studies sul tema del postmodernismo. Senigallia: Ventura Edizioni (forthcoming).
- ‘La marginalità del femminile nella narrativa italiana contemporanea. Il caso Sappiano le mie parole di sangue di Babsi Jones’, I quaderni di Astolfo – Atti del convegno Chernarus 2013 (forthcoming).
- ‘Il paesaggio nella poesia di W. B. Yeats’, Smerilliana, n. 13 (2011), pp. 141-163.
Funding: Irish Research Council Postgraduate Scholarship.
Martina O'Leary
MARTINA O’LEARY (Supervisor: Dr Silvia Ross; PhD year 3)
Title of Thesis: Distorted Bodies: Gender Performativity and Corporeal Representations in Twentieth-Century Italian Fantasy Literature. Undergraduate degree: Bachelor of Arts Special (English and Philosophy), NUI Maynooth, 2004. Master’s degree: MRes (Italian), University College Cork, 2012. HDip (Italian), University College Cork, 2011.
Conference Presentations:
- 'Subverting Masculinity or Suppressing the Unmanly? A Comparative Study of Gender Alterity in Capuana’s ‘L’invisibile’ and Palazzeschi’s Il codice di Perelà', “Gender and Metamorphosis”, Sibéal Feminist and Gender Studies Network for Postgraduate and Early Career Researchers, Trinity College Dublin, 21 November 2014.
- ‘Palazzeschi’s Buffi and the Performance of Gender: Unreal Corporeal Representations in Stefanino and Il codice di Perelà’, Performing Identity: Embodying Knowledge, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, 19-20 June 2014.
- ‘Palazzeschi’s Buffi and the Performance of Gender’, 7th Annual Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 1 March 2014.
- ‘The Dantean Simile and Collective Memory: A Phenomenological Exploration of the Vehicle of the Sun in the Commedia’, 6th Annual Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 9 February 2013.
Funding: CACSSS Postgraduate Travel Bursary 2013; SUSI Grant to cover fees.
Michele Ronchi Stefanati, Eduardo Saccone PhD Scholar
MICHELE RONCHI STEFANATI (Supervisor: Dr Mark Chu; PhD year 2)
Title of Thesis: Origins of Postmodern ‘Impegno’: Socio-political Commitment in the Works of Gianni Celati. Undergraduate degree: Bachelor of Arts, Univesity of Bologna, 2010. Master’s degree: Laurea Magistrale in Italian Studies, European Literary Cultures, Linguistics, University of Bologna, 2012.
Conference Presentations:
- ‘Dal cinema alla letteratura e ritorno: il documentario nell’opera di Gianni Celati’, Lingue, linguaggi e cinema in Italia, University of Bergen, Norway, 29-31 October 2014
- ‘Forme di impegno etico-politico nell’opera di Gianni Celati degli anni Duemila: da Sonetti del Badalucco nell’Italia odierna a Selve d’amore’, American Association for Italian Studies Conference, University of Zurich, 23-25 May 2014
- ‘Celati, Calvino e ‘Alì Babà’: trasformazioni del concetto di impegno tra archeologia e carnevalismo’, 7th Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 1 March 2014
- ‘Per una linea leopardiana dell'impegno. Sulla matrice etico-politica dell'opera di Gianni Celati degli anni Duemila’, Quaderni d'italianistica, Special Issue: 'Letteratura ed etica', Ed. by Eugenio Bolongaro (forthcoming 2015).
- ‘Dal cinema alla letteratura e ritorno. Il documentario nell'opera di Gianni Celati’, in Lingue, linguaggi e cinema in Italia - Atti del convegno di Bergen 2014, Roma: Aracne Editrice (forthcoming 2015).
Funding: Eduardo Saccone PhD Scholarship in Italian Literature.
Andrea Raimondi
ANDREA RAIMONDI (Supervisor: Dr Silvia Ross; PhD year 4)
Title of Thesis: The many voices of Piedmont: a Bakhtinian and sociolinguistc reading of the works of Cesare Pavese, Mario Soldati, Beppe Fenoglio and Gina Lagorio. Undergraduate Degree: Bachelor of Arts, Univesity of Eastern Pidemont, 2007.Master’s Degree: Master of Science in European and American Languages and Literatures, Univesity of Eastern Pidemont, 2010
Conference Presentations:
- ‘Language and Alterity in Pavese’s Ciau Masino’, 7th Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 1 March 2014
- ‘La voce nella tempesta: Fenoglio tra romanzo e grande schermo’, 6thGraduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 9 February 2013
- ‘Language and Identity in Beppe Fenoglio’s Rural Short Stories’, College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences Postgraduate Conference, UCC, 10 November, 2012
- ‘Dialetto e identità nei racconti di Beppe Fenoglio’, L’Analisi Linguistica e Letteraria, 21 (2013), 71-80.
- ‘Le Cime Tempestose del Giovane Fenoglio’, Studi Novecenteschi. 83 (2012), 111-35.
- ‘Othello e le sue fonti’, Aeolo 5 (2011/2012), 76-82.
- ‘The Birthday Boys di Beryl Bainbridge’, Atelier 68 (2012), 80-86.
- ‘Pap Khouma: Noi italiani neri. Storie di ordinario razzismo’, Riscontri, Rivista trimestrale di cultura e di attualità, 1 (2011), 147-51.
- ‘Le Langhe tempestose del giovane Fenoglio’, Rivista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate, 64.3 (2011). 305-25.
- Vigny traduttore di Shakespeare: ‘Le More de Venise’, Roma: Il Rovescio, 2011.
Funding: CACSSS PhD Scholarship.
Marco Amici, CACSSS and IRCHSS PG Scholar - PhD Completed 2013
MARCO AMICI (Supervisor: Dr Mark Chu; PhD completed 2013)
Title of Thesis: New Intersections: History and Crime in Italian Narrative at the Turn of the Millennium External Examiner: Prof Luca Somigli (University of Toronto)
Conference Presentations:
- ‘Crime Fiction as a Narrative of the Crisis: Some Notes on Italian Noir’, American Association for Italian Studies Annual Convention (University of Zurich, 23-25 May 2014)
- ‘Crime Fiction as a Narrative of the Crisis: Ken Bruen’s Jack Taylor novels’, Captivating Criminality: Crime Fiction, Darkness and Desire (University of Bath, 24-26 April 2014)
- ‘Massimo Carlotto and the Success of Italian Noir Fiction’, international conference: ‘Retold, Resold Transformed: Crime fiction in the Modern Era’ (University of Leeds, 17-18 September 2013)
- ‘Giallo/noir: la narrativa di genere e la lettura della società. Prospettive per lo sviluppo di un gruppo di ricerca’, presented together with Dr Mark Chu and Dr Alessia Risi at the ‘Italian Studies in Ireland One-Day Research Colloquium, Trinity College Dublin, 2 February 2013
- ‘Transmedia and Genre Narrative: Some Observations on United We Stand by Simone Sarasso and Daniele Rudoni’, Biennial Conference of the Society for Italian Studies (Durham, 8-11 July 2013)
- ‘Massimo Carlotto and the structural presence of crime in Italian democracy’, international conference: ‘The States of Crime: The State in Crime Fiction’ (Queen’s University Belfast, 17-18 June 2011)
- ‘Some considerations on the success and influence of noir literature in Italy’, Graduate Conference in Italian Studies (University College Cork, 5 February 2011)
- ‘Il tema della cospirazione in Romanzo criminale’, Graduate Conference in Italian Studies (University College Cork, 27 February 2010)
- ‘Il New Italian Epic e la costante tematica della morte del Vecchio’, international conference: ‘Fiction, faction, reality: incontri, scambi, intrecci nella letteratura italiana dal 1990 ad oggi’ (University of Warsaw, 9-10 November 2009)
- ‘State Boundary: Italian History as a Crime Novel’, international conference: ‘Con(tra)vention: Crime and the Boundaries of Genre’ (University College Cork, 26-27 June 2009)
- ‘Considerazioni sull’oggetto narrativo non identificato Sappiano le mie parole di sangue di Babsi Jones’, 2009 SIS Postgraduate Colloquium (University of Oxford, 23 May 2009)
- ‘Urgenza e visioni del New Italian Epic’, Biennial Conference of the Society for Italian Studies (Royal Holloway University of London, 16–19 April 2009)
- ‘Dal romanzo all’oggetto narrativo: il caso Babsi Jones’, Graduate Conference in Italian Studies (University College Cork, 21 February 2009)
- ‘Dall’epopea criminale all’ambiguità dei giorni nostri. Alcune considerazioni su Romanzo criminale e Nelle mani giuste di Giancarlo De Cataldo’, conference: ‘Quale memoria per il noir italiano? Un’indagine pluridisciplinare’ (Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, 15-16 May 2008)
- Le narrazioni di Giancarlo De Cataldo fra crimini e storia’, international conference: ‘Il romanzo poliziesco, la storia, la memoria. Italia, America Latina’ (Université de Provence, 6-8 March 2008)
Invited talks, seminars:
- ‘The Black Album Reloaded. Conversazione con Massimo Carlotto’, The Criminal Hero, University of Milan, 25 November 2014
- ‘Nel genere e oltre: il noir di Massimo Carlotto’, Roma Noir 2013, (Sapienza University of Rome, 18 February 2013)
- ‘Territoires hétérogènes du noir’ (with Nicoletta Vallorani), Centre Aixois d’études Romanes (Université d’Aix Marseille, 22 October 2012)
- ‘Some Considerations on the Historical Novel of the New Millennium’, PhD Forum (University College Cork, 27 October 2011)
- ‘The Front Before Our Eyes. Some Reflections on the New Italian Epic’, The Italian Perspective on Metahistorical Fiction: The New Italian Epic (University of London, 2 October 2008)
- Marco Amici, Massimo Carlotto, The Black Album, Roma: Carocci, 2012.
Articles in Books and Journals:
- ‘Il transmediale, la storia ‘sporca’ e la narrativa di genere’, in Transmedia. Storia, memoria e narrazioni italiane attraverso I media. Ed. by Emanuela Patti e Clodagh Brook,Sesto San Giovanni, Milano: Mimesis (Forthcoming 2015).
- ‘Il noir e la narrativa a tema criminale’, in Scritture di resistenza. Ed. by Claudia Boscolo e Stefano Jossa, Roma: Carocci, 2014, 129-189.
- ‘History, Geography and Mutations of Italian Crime Fiction’ (review article), Journal of Romance Studies, 14 (2014), 106-111.
- ‘Nel genere e oltre: il noir di Massimo Carlotto’, in Roma Noir 2013. Ed. by Elisabetta Mondello, Roma: Robin Edizioni, 2014, 109-124.
- ‘Il New Italian Epic e la costante tematica della morte del vecchio’, in Finzione cronaca realtà. Ed. by Hanna Serkowska, Massa: Transeuropa, 2011, 245-254.
- ‘Urgency and Visions of The New Italian Epic’, Journal of Romance Studies, 10 (2010), 7-18.
- ‘Letteratura di genere, Noir e New Italian Epic’, in Roma Noir 2010. Ed. by Elisabetta Mondello, Roma: Robin Edizioni, 2010, 111-134.
- ‘Fra narrazioni di trasformazione storica ed etica del mito: intervista a Wu Ming 1’, La libellula, 2 (2010), 3-14.
- ‘Unearthing Collusions: the Socio-Political Dimension of Crime in the Conspiracy Novel’ (with Mark Chu), in Nicoletta Di Ciolla, Uncertain Justice, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publisher, 2010, 35-71.
- ‘Dall’epopea criminale all’ambiguità dei giorni nostri’ in Memoria in Noir. Ed. by Monica Jansen and Yasmina Khamal, Bruxelles: Peter Lang, 2010, 77-86.
- ‘Noir su Noir: Romanzo criminale e storia criminale’, in Il romanzo poliziesco, la storia, la memoria. Ed. by Claudio Milanesi, Bologna: Astræa Editrice, 2009, 435-445.
- 'La narrazione come mitopoiesi secondo Wu Ming', Bollettino di Italianistica. Rivista di critica, storia letteraria, filologia e linguistica, ed. by Alberto Asor Rosa, 1 (2006), 184-207.
Funding: IRCHSS (Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences) Postgraduate Scholarship;CACSSS PhD Scholarship; CACSSS Postgraduate Travel Bursary 2013.
Michal Czorycki, IRCHSS Postgraduate Scholar - PhD completed 2012
MICHAL CZORYCKI (Supervisor: Dr Silvia Ross; PhD completed 2012)
Title of Thesis: Journeys to the Margins: Travel, Identity and Borders in Claudio Magris and Paolo Rumiz External Examiner: Prof. Loredana Polezzi (Warwick)
Conference Presentations:
- ‘La grande libertà di viaggio. Il viaggio nel Corto viaggio sentimentale di Italo Svevo e Danubio di Claudio Magris’, AAIS Annual Conference, Universität Zürich, 23-25 May 2014
- ‘From Danubio to Alla cieca: Claudio Magris’s Journey towards Fiction’, Postgraduate Conference in Italian Studies, University College Cork, 5 February 2011
- ‘Darkness Within. The Black Sea in Claudio Magris’s Danubio’, CACSSS Postgraduate Conference, UCC, 20 November 2010
- Venice and the Mediterranean: From Claudio Magris’s Marginal Zones to Predrag Matvejevic’s Venice’, Il Mediterraneo nella cultura italiana. The Mediterranean in Italian Culture, Università Ca’Foscari , Venice, ‘3- 4 May 2010
- ‘Reports from a Besieged City: Paolo Rumiz’s La secessione leggera’, Postgraduate Seminar in Italian Studies, UCC, 26 September 2009
- ‘The Representation of the Black Sea in Claudio Magris’s Danubio’, Postgraduate Colloquium in Italian Studies, Oxford University, 23 May 2009
- ‘The Myth of Medea in Claudio Magris’s Microcosmi’, Postgraduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 21 February 2009
- ‘Borderlands in Claudio Magris’s Microcosmi’, Interdisciplinary Research Forum ‘De-Marginalising the Marginal’, University College Dublin, 3 December 2008
- ‘The Representation of Eastern Europe in Paolo Rumiz’s È Oriente’, SIS Postgraduate Conference, University of Reading, 6 June 2008
- ‘The Final Passage. Death, Transcendence and Aquatic Imagery in Claudio Magris’ Microcosmi’, Italica, forthcoming, Summer 2015.
- ‘The Politics of Travel: Eastern Europe in Paolo Rumiz’s È Oriente’, Italian Studies, Vol. 69 No. 1, March 2014, 139–57.
- ‘Figures of Ambiguity. Bucharest and the Black Sea in Claudio Magris’ Danubio’, The Italianist, 33. 1, 74–88, 2013.
- ‘‘Lewantyński bazar duszy’. Bałkany i Morze Czarne w Dunaju Claudio Magrisa’, Przegląd Humanistyczny, 06, 19-29, 2013.
Funding: IRCHSS (Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences) Postgraduate Scholarship.
Emma Keane, President's PhD Scholar - PhD completed 2011
EMMA KEANE (Supervisor: Dr Mark Chu; PhD completed 2011)
Title of Thesis: Representing Masculinities in twentieth-century Italian literature: Giuseppe Antonio Borgese, Vitaliano Brancati and Alberto MoraviaExternal Examiner: Prof. Ellen Nerenberg (Wesleyan University)
Conference Presentations:
- ‘The Politics of Possession: A comparative analysis of Borgese’s Rubè and Moravia’s La noia’, SIS Postgraduate Colloquium, University of Oxford, 23 May 2009
- ‘Ascent and descent: The imagery of gender struggle in Giuseppe Antonio Borgese’s Rubè’, Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 21 February 2009
- ‘Opposing Masculinities in Vitaliano Brancati’s Paolo il Caldo’, Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 1 March 2008
- ‘Sexual Repression and Subordinated Masculinity in Moravia’s Il conformista’, Italian Department Research Seminar, UCC, 23 January 2008
Funding: President’s PhD Scholarship; Università degli studi di Milano: Scholarship and bursary to attend four-week school at Palazzo Feltrinelli, Gargnano di Garda, July 2006
Aidan Power, Film Studies/Italian - PhD completed 2011
(Film Studies/Italian; Supervisor: Dr Laura Rascaroli; PhD completed 2012)
Title of Thesis: Continental Drifts: Movement, Margins and Transition in Twenty-First Century European Cinema External Examiner: Prof Yosefa Loshitzky (University of East London)
Conference Presentations
- ‘Vacations in Dystopia: Tourism, Culture and Authenticity in Science Fiction Cinema’, NECS 2014: Creative Energies, Creative Industries, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milan, June 21st, 2014
- ‘Reworking the Foundational Myths: Some Thoughts on Richard Fleischer’s Soylent Green’, Research Colloquium: Film Media Art and Popular Culture, Universität Bremen, May 26th, 2014
- ‘Tourism and Science Fiction: Exploring a Novel Perspective’, Research Colloquium: Film Media Art and Popular Culture, Universität Bremen, April 29th, 2014
- ‘Charting the End Times: ‘Authenticity’ in 21st Century European Science Fiction Cinema’, Society for Cinema & Media Studies, Seattle, March 21st, 2014
- ‘Tempering Dystopia: Science Fiction Film and the European Union’, Zemki Invited Speakers Series, Universität Bremen, January 9th, 2014
- ‘Crises and Beyond: Science Fiction and the European Union’, European Film Cultures: ECREA Film Studies Section Interim Conference, Lunds Universitet, November 9th, 2013
- ‘Charting Filmic Responses to the Economic Crisis’, Research Colloquium: ‘Film, Media Art and Popular Culture’, Universität Bremen, October 29th, 2013
- ‘Science Fiction Cinema and the European Union’, Excellence Series, Universität Bremen, June 25th, 2013
- ‘Community and Contemporary European Science Fiction Cinema’, Excellence Series, Universität Bremen, April 23rd, 2013
- ‘Ragnarök Now: Moving Through the Interstices of Le temps du loup’, Cinema in the Interstices: Alphaville Inaugural Conference, University College Cork, September 7th, 2012
- ‘Clementine Wore a White Ribbon: Collective Memory in Michael Haneke’s Das Weiße Band(and John Ford’s West)’, NECS 2012: Time Networks: Screen Media and Memory, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, June 22nd, 2012
- ‘Another Man's Vine: A Microcosmic Look at Travel and Diaspora in French cinema’, Italian Research Seminar Series 2010-2011, University College Cork, October 29th, 2010
- ‘The Last Tourist Office in Dystopia: Surveillance, Sci-fi and the Streamlined Metropolis’,Transnational, Transcultural, Transmedial: European Cinema Today, University College Cork, May 14th, 2010
- ‘Fallujah: East London. Terror, Order and the Digital Panopticon’, Irish Postgraduate Film Research Seminar 2010, Trinity College Dublin, April 22nd, 2010
- ‘Darkness on the Edge of Town: Borders and Peripheries in Two Contemporary Westerns’,The Graduate School: Annual Conference, University College Cork, November 19th, 2009
- ‘A Weekend Break in the Country … with Zombies: Contrasting Space in 28 Days Later’,NECS 2009: Locating Media, Lunds Universitet, June 27th, 2009
- ‘Echoes from Elsewhere: Diasporic Journeys through Contemporary French Cinema’,Anthropological Association of Ireland Conference, Queens University Belfast, May 1st, 2009
- ‘Overheating the Melting Pot: Cultural Compositions in the Cinema of Michael Haneke’,Graduate Centre for Europe: Interdisciplinary Conference, University of Birmingham, April 17th, 2009
- ‘Strangers in Dystopia: Identity and Nation in Contemporary English Science Fiction Cinema’,College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Conference, University College Cork, November 8th, 2008
- ‘Spatial Relationships: Female Sexuality in the Cinema of David Lean’, David Lean: 100th Anniversary Conference, Queen Mary, University of London, July 24th, 2008
- ’Panic on the Streets of London: Tourism and British Dystopian Cinema’, Science Fiction Film and Television. 7.1 (2014), pp. 77-98.
- ‘Mobilising the East: Some Notes on Robert Guédiguian’s Le voyage en Arménie’, Annali Online Lettere. 8:1 (2013), pp. 176-189.
- ‘Dance me to the end of love: Community and Impending Doom in Michael Haneke’s Das Weiße Band and John Ford’s west’, Studies in European Cinema. 9: 2-3 (2012), pp. 109-121.
- ‘Issue 4 Editorial’, Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media. ‘Open Issue’, 4 (Winter 2012).
- ‘Issue Editors’ Note’, Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media. ‘European Cinema: Transnational, Transcultural, Transmedial’, 1 (Summer 2011), pp. 1-3.
- ‘Overheating the Melting Pot: Cultural Compositions in the Cinema of Michael Haneke’, Birmingham Journal for Europe. 1 (2010).
Book Chapters:
- ‘Invasion of the Brit-snatchers: National Identity in Contemporary Science Fiction Cinema’, in British Science Fiction Film and Television: Critical Essays, Ed. By Leggott, James and Tobias Hochsherf. London: McFarland, 2011, pp. 143-155.
Peer-reviewed Journals (edited):
- Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media. ‘Open Issue’, 4 (Winter 2012).
- Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media. ‘European Cinema: Transnational, Transcultural, Transmedial’, 1 (Summer 2011).
Funding: CACSSS PhD Fee Waiver Scholarship.
Stefano Odorico, IRCHSS Postgraduate Scholar - PhD Completed 2011
(Film Studies/Italian; Supervisor: Dr Laura Rascaroli; PhD completed 2011)
Title of Thesis: A Semio-Pragmatic Analysis of Documentary CinemaExternal Examiner: Dr Warren Buckland (Oxford Brookes)
Conference Presentations:
- 'Multimedia Production: A Pragmatic Approach', Documentary Now! Conference, BirkbeckCollege, University of London, 15-16 January 2010.
- '(web)documentary.com', CACSSS Conference, University College Cork, Ireland, 14 November 2009
- 'What Happens When Documentary Meets Internet?', IMAGEing Reality:Representing the Real in Film, Television and New Media , Universidad de Navarra , Spain , 22-24 October 2009
- 'Encounters at the End of the World is not another documentary about penguins!', Screen Studies Conference , University of Glasgow , UK , 3-5 July 2009
- 'Violence of the Documentary Image: Morris's Standard Operating Procedure ', Images of Pain/Painful Images, The Second Nomadikon Meeting , University of Bergen, Norway, 19-21 June 2009
- 'London , E very S tory is a T ravel S tory – A S patial P ractice ', NECS – The LundConference, Locating Media, Lund , Sweden , 25 -28 June 2009.
- ‘Manzoni e Foscolo: un’analisi linguistica’, Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 21 February 2009
- ‘A Few Notes on Ethnopragmatics and Documentaries’, CACSSS Conference, UCC, 8 November 2008
- ‘Vittorio De Seta : Semio-pragmatics and Anthropology’, WHEN CLIO CLAIMS THE DOCUMENTARY, International Conference, University of Bordeaux 3, Pessac/Anguilleme, France, 13-15 November 2008
- ‘Errol Morris’ First Person: Semio-Pragmatics and Documentary’, NECS – The Budapest conference, New and Old Frames, Budapest, Hungary, 19-22 June 2008
- ‘Losing the Landmarks,’ ARCHITEXTURE – Exploring textual and Architectural spaces, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, 15-17 April 2008
- ‘Pasolini vs Moravia,’ Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 1 March 2008
- ‘Il documentario interattivo Italiano all’interno del contesto internazionale’, in Per un cinema del reale. Forme e pratiche del documentario italiano contemporaneo. Ed. by Daniele Dottorini. Udine: Forum Edizioni, 2013.
- ‘i-Docs: Interactivity, Documentary and Memories’, in Avanca I Cinema. Ed. by Antonio Costa Valente and Rita Capucho. Avanca: Portugal, 2012. 1140-1146.
- ‘Violence of the documentary Image: Errol Morris's Standard Operating Procedure’, in Ethics and Images of Pain. Ed. by Henrik Gustafsson and Asbjørn Grønstad. New York & London: Routledge, 2012. 59-73.
- ‘Documentary on the Web between Realism and Interaction. A case study: From Zero – People Rebuilding Life after the Emergency (2009)’, Studies in Documentary Film, 5: 2+3 (2011), 235-246.
- ‘Werner Herzog between Documentary and Fiction’, Off Screen Journal, Volume 14, Issue 3 (2010).
- 'Cinema documentario ed architettura: il caso italiano e il paragone scozzese', Scritti dell'Italian Society Journal, University of St Andrews (December 2009), 22-28.
- ‘Film Festivals: from European Geopolitics to Global Cinephilia’, Film Philosophy (September 2008), 124-130.
- Documen(I)taly’, Cinergie, Le Mani, Bologna (September 2008), 8-9.
Funding: President’s Phd Scholarship; IRCHSS (Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences) Postgraduate Scholarship.
Chen Yuanyuan, Ireland-China Scholar
(Film Studies/Italian; Supervisor: Dr Laura Rascaroli; PhD year 4). Title of Thesis: Influences of Western Modernist and Postmodernist Art on Chinese Animation. Undergraduate Degree: BA, Southeast University (2002-2006). Master’s Degree: MA, Southeast University (2008-2011).
Conference Presentations:
- ‘Animating the City of Desire: Bodily Metaphor and Visual Imagina-tion in Bu Hua’s Flash-Animated Shorts’, Animation at the Cutting Edge, Alphaville symposium, UCC, 15 February 2014
- ‘Self-awareness and Self-transcendence in Chinese Animated Film’, Change and Continuity: Interdisciplinary Aspects of Animation, Comics and Literature, Stuttgart, Germany, 25-26 April 2013
- ‘Rethinking the Chinese School of Animation: From Historical Context to National Identity’, The Creation and Circulation of Chinese Identities in and through Cinema, A Chinese Film Forum, UK symposium, Chinese Arts Centre, Manchester, 29-30 January 2013
- ‘The Rebel of the Chinese School: Modernist Expression in A Da’s Late Animations’ , Cinema in the Interstices, Alphaville Inaugural Conference, UCC, 7-9 September 2012
- ‘Chinese School: Definition, Development, and Features’, The 4th Annual NYIT-NUPT Student Film Festival and International Symposium, Nanjing, China, 21-22 April 2012
- ‘The Rebel of the Chinese School: Modernist Expression in A Da’s Late Animations, Modernism/modernity (Forthcoming, 2015).
- ‘Animating the City of Desire: Bodily Metaphor and Visual Imagination in Bu Hua’s Flash-Animated Shorts’, Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media, 2014.
- ‘On the Aesthetic Features of Experimental Anima-tion and Realization of Value’, Movie Literature, 3 (2010) (in Chinese language).
- ‘Love and Sadness with the Warm Tone: Taste the Beauty of Colour from La Maison en Petits Cubes (2008)’, Movie Review, 11 (2009) (in Chinese language).
- ‘Animation Characters and Its Derivative Products Based on Traditional Art Elements’, Beauty & Times, 4 (2009) (in Chinese language).
Funding: Ireland-China Scholarship.
Marian Hurley - PhD completed 2009
(Film Studies/Italian; Supervisor: Dr Laura Rascaroli; PhD completed 2009)
Title of Thesis: Reworking the Neorealist Myths: Resistance Identities in Italian Cinema, 1945-1993External Examiner: Prof. Mary P. Wood (Birkbeck, University of London)
Conference Presentations:
- ‘How It Should Have Ended: the Italian Resistance Film after 1948’, Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 1 March 2008
- ‘Paolo and Vittorio Taviani: Reworking the Neorealist Myths’, Invited Research Seminar, Board of Film Studies, UCC, 29 January 2007
- ‘Working Class Communities and the New Nation: Italian Resistance Film and the Re-making of Italy’, ‘Image and Identity in Contemporary Europe’, Welsh Institute for Social and Cultural Affairs, University of Wales, Bangor, 7-9 September 2006
- ‘Women, Family and Agency in Italian Resistance Film: The Catholic and Marxist Traditions’, SIS Postgraduate Colloquium, University of Bristol, 3 June 2006
- ‘Resistance, Christianity and Masculinity in Rossellini’s Roma città aperta.’ SIS Postgraduate Colloquium, Pembroke College, Cambridge, 16-17 April 2005
- ‘Working Class Communities and the New Nation: Italian Resistance Film and the Re-making of Italy’, in The Essence and the Margin: National Identities and Collective Memories in Contemporary European Culture. Ed. By Saunders, Anna and Laura Rorato. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2013.
- ‘Resistance, Christianity and Masculinity in Rossellini’s Roma città aperta’ in Risso, Linda and Monica Boria, eds. Politics and Culture in Post-War Italy. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2006.
Abigail Keating, Film Studies/Italian - PhD Completed 2014
(Film Studies/Italian; Supervisor: Dr Laura Rascaroli; PhD Completed 2014)
Title of Thesis: Locating the Transnational: Representations and Aesthetics of the City in Contemporary European Cinema External Examiner: Prof Tim Bergfelder (University of Southampton)
Conference Presentations:
- ‘Private Places, Global Spaces: Subverting the Amateur Aesthetic of Recent YouTube Phenomena’. Saving Private Reels: An International Conference on the Presentation, Appropriation and Re-contextualisation of the Amateur Moving Image, University College Cork, 17-19 September 2010
- ‘On the Transnationality of Filmic Space: A Reconsideration of Almodóvar’s ‘Global’ Cities’. Transnational, Transcultural, Transmedial: European Cinema Today, An International Graduate Film Studies Conference, University College Cork, 14-15 May 2010
- ‘Where the Hell is ... Youtube? Exploring the Concept of a Transnational Platform’. Irish Postgraduate Film Research Seminar, Trinity College Dublin, 22-23 April 2010
- ‘Transnational European Cinema: An Irish Context’. The Europeanness of European Cinema, King’s College London, 4 June 2010
- ‘Transnational European Cinema: Aesthetics and the Urban Space’. College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Postgraduate Conference, University College Cork, 14 November 2009
- ‘To the Centre and Back: Dublin and the Consumerist Journey in Recent Irish Cinema’. Metropolitan Desires: Cultural Reconfigurations of the European City Space, Manchester Metropolitan University, 8-9 September 2009
- ‘Contrasting Spaces? Representations of Motherhood and the (Urban) Village in Pedro Almodóvar’s Volver’. Locating Media, NECS 2009, University of Lund, Sweden, 25-28 June 2009
- ‘Peripheral Cubs: Cinematic Representations and Aesthetics of the ‘Other’ in Celtic Tiger Ireland’. From Local Ireland to Global Ireland: The Reality Beyond, VIII International Conference of the Spanish Association for Irish Studies, Universidad de Alcalá, Spain, 28-30 May 2009
- ‘Women on the Verge: Mothers and Margins in the Cinema of Pedro Almodóvar’. De-Marginalising the Marginal, Humanities Institute of Ireland, University College Dublin, 1 April 2009
- ‘Locating the City: Dublin and the Consumerist Journey in Recent Irish Cinema’, in Glocal Ireland: Current Perspectives on Literature and the Visual Arts. Ed. By Juan F. Elices and Marisol Morales. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (in press).
- ‘All Roads lead to Piazza Vittorio: (Trans)National Spaces in Agostino Ferrente’s Documusical’, Studies in Documentary Film. 2011.
- ‘Love Story’, in Directory of World Cinema: American Hollywood. Ed. By Lincoln Geraghty. Bristol: Intellect, 2010.
- ‘Philadelphia’, in Directory of World Cinema: American Hollywood. Ed. By Lincoln Geraghty. Bristol: Intellect, 2010.
- ‘The Simpsons Movie’, in Directory of World Cinema: American Hollywood. Ed. By Lincoln Geraghty. Bristol: Intellect, 2010.
- Review of Katherine Thomson-Jones, Aesthetics and Film, in Film-Philosophy, 14:1 (2010), pp. 468-474.
Funding: Dept of Italian PhD Studentship.
Stefano Baschiera, President's and Arts Faculty PhD Scholar - PhD completed 2008
(Film Studies/Italian; Supervisor: Dr Laura Rascaroli; PhD completed 2008)
Title of Thesis: Pasolini, Bertolucci, Bellocchio: Refraiming Space in Italian New Wave Cinema External Examiner: Dr John David Rhodes (University of Sussex)
Conference Presentations:
- ‘I film sul Maccartismo’ (Films on McCarthyism), Cinema, McCarthyism e la Guerra fredda, University of Genoa, 17 November 2003
- ‘Prima della rivoluzione? New Wave e propaganda’ (Before The Revolution? New Waves and Propaganda), Maschere e Pugnali, Cinema e Propaganda da Cuba all’Iraq. University of Genoa, 23-24 May 2005
- ‘Bertolucci’s The Grim Reaper: Rome as a New Wave city?’ Cinematic Rome, University of Nottingham, 17-18 September 2005
- ‘Provincial towns and European Metropolis: the Province in Italian New Wave cinema’, The Cause of Cosmopolitanism in Europe and Beyond, Royal Irish Academy, UCC, 11-12 November 2005
- ‘Segni di una rivolta: casa, corpi, oggetti e Pugni in tasca (Signs Of an Unrest: Home, Bodies, Objects and Fists in the Pockets)’, SIS Postgraduate Colloquium, University of Bristol, 3 June 2006
- ‘Bertolucci’s debut: The Grim Reaper’, Italian Department Research Seminar, UCC, 18 September 2006
- ‘Beyond the Home: Domestic Space and Identity in the Cinema Of the Coen Brothers’, Cinema Identities and Beyond - Postgraduate Conference, Universities of Glasgow and St. Andrews, St. Andrews, 10 November 2006
- ‘Film TV and Video: Three Forms of Entertainment, One Single Medium?’ Necs - The Vienna Conference, Perspectives and Challenges for Cinema and Media Studies, Vienna, 21-23 June 2007
- ‘TV Series of the Digital Era and the Videogame’s Narrative’, NarrativEncounters 2008, UCC, 21-23 June 2007
- ‘The Thickness of the Panel: Narrative Layers and Complexification in Azzarello’s 100 Bullets’, Cinema and comics. Affinities, differences and new forms of interference, Udine - XV International Film Studies Conference, 3-6 March 2008
- ‘Filmmaking with Game Technology: Machinima and Its Narrative’, Necs - The Budapest Conference, New and Old Frames, Budapest, 19-22 June 2008
- Stefano Baschiera, Marco Cipolloni, Guido Levi (eds.), Le strade perdute di Genova - Immagini del G8 (Genoa's Lost Streets - Images from the G8) (Alessandria: Falsopiano, 2002)
- ‘Le immagini e i media. Una moltitudine di immagini’ (Images and the media. A plurality of images), in Stefano Baschiera, Marco Cipolloni, Guido Levi (eds.), Le strade perdute di Genova - Immagini del G8 (Alessandria: Falsopiano, 2002), pp. 17-18
- ‘I TG8. Dalla zona rossa alle strade’ (TV News from the G8. From the Red Zone to the streets), in Stefano Baschiera, Marco Cipolloni, Guido Levi (eds.), Le strade perdute di Genova - Immagini del G8 (Alessandria: Falsopiano, 2002), pp. 19-24
- ‘I film sul maccartismo’ (The films on McCarthyism), in Guido Levi, Marco Cipolloni (eds.), C'era una volta in America: Cinema, Maccartismo e guerra fredda (Cinema, McCarthyism and the Cold War) (Alessandria: Falsopiano, 2004), pp. 33-46
- ‘Lo spazio onirico nel cinema di Hitchcock: Vertigo’ (Oneiric space in Hitchcock's cinema: Vertigo), in AA.VV. La congiura degli Hitchockiani (Alessandria: Falsopiano, 2004), pp. 100-113
- ‘Glasgow, Manchester, Liverpool’, with Laura Rascaroli, in Thierry Jousse and Thierry Paquot (eds.), Encyclopédie: la ville au cinéma (Paris: Editions Cahiers du cinéma, 2005), pp. 389-94 [included under submission for Laura Rascaroli]
- ‘Bertolucci’s The Grim Reaper: Rome as a New Wave City?’, in Richard Wrigley (ed.), Cinematic Rome (Leicester: Troubador, 2008), pp. 85-96. ISBN: 9781906510282
- ‘Beyond the Home: Domestic Space and Identity in the Cinema of the Coen Brothers’, in Ruby Cheung and David Martin-Jones (eds.), Cinema Identities and Beyond (Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, accepted, forthcoming)
- ‘The Thickness of the Panel: Narrative Layers and Complexification in Azzarello’s 100 Bullets’, in Laura Sangalli e Federico Zecca (eds.), Cinema and comics. Affinities, differences and new forms of interference (Udine: Forum edizioni, expected March 2009)
- ‘Provincial towns and European metropolises. The province in Italian New Wave cinema’, in Patrick O’ Donovan and Laura Rascaroli (eds.), The Causes of Cosmpolitanism: Foundations, Models, Displacement (forthcoming)
- ‘A Postcard from the Grindhouse: Exotic Landscapes and Italian Holidays in Lucio Fulci’s Zombie and Sergio Martino’s Torso’, with Francesco Di Chiara, in John Cline and Rob Weiner From the Arthouse to the Grindhouse (forthcoming)
- ‘A Spatial unrest: movement, dislocation and familial spaces in Bertolucci’s cinema of the ’60s’, in Mark Nicholls and Luana Ciavola (eds.), Bernardo Bertolucci: a cinema of politics and desire (forthcoming)
Encyclopedia entries
- ‘The World at War’, in Ian Aitken (ed.), Encyclopedia of Documentary Film (New York: Routledge, 2005), 1472-73
- ‘Act of God’, in Ian Aitken (ed.), Encyclopedia of Documentary Film (New York: Routledge, 2005), 2-4
- ‘Epstein Jean’, in Ian Aitken (ed.), Encyclopedia of Documentary Film (New York: Routledge, 2005), 348-50
- ‘Nazis: A Warning from History’, in Ian Aitken (ed.), Encyclopedia of Documentary Film (New York: Routledge, 2005), 953-4.
David Best,IRCHSS Postgraduate Scholar - PhD completed 2008
'Representations of Rurality in Twentieth-Century Central Italian Literature (Tombari, Cassola, Volponi, Petri)'
Supervisor: Silvia Ross
External Examiner: Dr Derek Duncan (Bristol)
- "Destinate a patire": The Contemplation of Female Bodies From Perfection to Pain in Carlo Cassola’s Paura e tristezza’, in In corpore: Bodies in Post-Unification Italy, ed. by Loredana Polezzi and Charlotte Ross (Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2007), pp. 189-207. ISBN: 0838641644
- ‘Frusaglia and Gli animali: Nature and Strapaese in Fabio Tombari,’ Laboratorio di nuova ricerca. Investigating Gender, Translation & Culture in Italian Studies, ed. by Monica Boria and Linda Risso (Leicester: Troubador, 2007), pp. 101-115. ISBN: 1905886225
- ‘A Matriarchal Reading of Alle Case Venie: Petri’s Challenge to Conventional Representations of the Female Peasant’, in Politics and Culture in Post-War Italy, ed. by Linda Risso and Monica Boria (Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2006), pp. 16-33, ISBN: 1904303919
- ‘Conflicting Rural Utopias: Post-War Marche in Paolo Volponi’s La macchina mondiale’,Arachnofiles: a Journal of European Languages and Cultures, 3 (Spring: 2004), [14 pp.] (see: www.selc.ed.ac.uk/arachnofiles/)
- ‘Rievocazioni e feste popolari’, Corriere Proposte. Mensile di cultura del tempo libero delle Marche (March 2000). Translation (see www.corriereproposte.it/corrierepropostes/2000/marzo/rievocaz.htm)
- Book Reviews (three in print/two forthcoming), Forum for Modern Language Studies(Oxford University Press).
Conference Presentations:
- ‘Paolo Volponi’s Psychological Landscapes: From Rural Topography to Mental Space in La macchina mondiale’, Hemispheres: Cross-Currents Interdisciplinary Conference, School of Languages and Literature, UCC, 3 May 2002
- ‘Conflicting Rural Utopias: Post-War Marche in Paolo Volponi’s La macchina mondiale’, SIS Postgraduate Colloquium, University of Edinburgh, 24 May 2003
- ‘“Destinate a patire”: The Contemplation of Female Bodies From Perfection to Pain in Carlo Cassola’s Paura e tristezza’, In corpore: (im)material bodies in Italy from the Middle Ages to the present day, SIS Interim Conference, Institute of Romance Studies, London, 16-17 April 2004
- ‘Frusaglia and Gli animali: Nature and Strapaese in Fabio Tombari’, SIS Postgraduate Colloquium, University of Leicester, 5 June 2004
- ‘Narrating the Female Body Space in Carlo Cassola’s Paura e tristezza’, Department of Italian Research Seminar Series, 2004-05, UCC, 7 December 2004
- ‘A Matriarchal Reading of Alle Case Venie: Petri’s Challenge to Conventional Representations of the Female Peasant’, SIS Postgraduate Colloquium, Pembroke College, Cambridge University, 16-17 April 2005
- ‘Central Italy in Twentieth-Century Literature: Gender, Ideology and the “Country” in Volponi’s Marche’, Italica Research Seminar Series, 2006-07, University of St Andrews, 13 November 2006
- ‘Romana Petri on Gender: A Casual Undressing of Identities’, SIS Biennial Conference, Royal Holloway University of London, 16-19 April 2009
- ‘Volponi’s Saluggia and Crocioni: Characters at odds with their identity’, Mosaics of Identity: The Problem of Identity in Recent Italian Literature (Study Day), Trinity College Dublin, 3 April 2009
Jill Murphy - PhD Completed 2012
JILL MURPHY (Film Studies/Italian; Supervisor: Dr Laura Rascaroli; PhD completed 2012)
Title of Thesis: Hoc est enim corpus meum: Passion Iconography and Christian Art in the Work of Pier Paolo Pasolini and Jean-Luc GodardExternal Examiner: Prof Angela Dalle Vacche (University of Georgia)
Conference Presentations:
- ‘Text to Text, Body to Body: Adaptation and Collaboration in 12 Years a Slave’. Process and Practice: Adaptation Considered as a Collaborative Art Conference. UCC, 3-4 October 2014
- ‘Places of Trauma/Places of Healing: Aqueous Environment as Landscape and Symbol’. Screen Studies Conference. University of Glasgow. 27-29 June 2014
- ‘The Image as the Post-Christian Sacred: A Nancean reading of Jean-Luc Godard’s Je vous salue Marie’. Beyond Film: Film-Philosophy Conference. University of Amsterdam.10-12 July 2013
- ‘Notes on Two Interstitial Images: Depictions of Christ by Manet and Cézanne in Histoire(s) du cinéma. ’Cinema in the Interstices’. Alphaville Inaugural Conference, University College Cork, September 7 – 9, 2012
- ‘Images of death by deprivation in Steve McQueen’s Hunger in relation to Holbein’s The Body of the Dead Christ in the Tomb’. European Society for Aesthetics Conference 2012. Universidade do Minho, Braga/Guimaraes, Portugal. 25 – 27 June 2012
- ‘A Force of the Past’: Benjaminian Now-Time in Pasolini’s Il Vangelo secondo Matteo and La ricotta. NECS 2012.New University of Lisbon, Portugal. June 21 – 23, 2012
- ‘The Body as Sacred Site: Jean-Luc Godard’s Je Vous Salue Marie in relation to Nancean Thinking on the Body and Touch.’ Commun(icat)ing Bodies: The Body and Religion Conference, University of Graz, Austria. 15-17 February 2012.
- ‘Isolation, Endurance, Sacrifice: Comparing Hunger to Holbein’s The Body of the Dead Christ in the Tomb.’ ‘Comparing’: A Summer School in the Humanities, University College Cork, September 5-9, 2011.
- ‘‘I come from ruins’: The Temporal Concepts of Walter Benjamin in Pasolini's La Ricotta and The Gospel according to St Matthew. Irish Postgraduate Film Research Seminar: Space and Time in Film. 29 – 30 March 2011
- ‘Toward the past of a future, towards the future of a memory: Godard’s media project in Eloge de L’Amour (In Praise of Love)’ Transnational, transcultural, transmedial: European Cinema Today. International Graduate Film Studies Conference, University College Cork, May 15-16 2010.
- ‘Godard’s Imaginary Museum: Visuality, Intermediality and Interiorization in Histoire(s) du Cinéma’ Irish Postgraduate Film Research Seminar, Trinity College, Dublin, 22– 23 April 2010.
- ‘Subjective Interpretations of the Deposition in Pasolini’s La Ricotta and Jarman’s Caravaggio.’ CACSSS Postgraduate Conference, UCC, 14 November 2009.
- ‘A Force of the Past: The Pictorial in Pasolini’s La Ricotta.’ Framing Film – Cinema and the Visual Arts. International Conference. University of Winchester, U.K., 4-6 September 2009.
- ‘An Italy of the Mind: Place, space and identity in Derek Jarman’s Caravaggio’ Locating Media, NECS 2009 Conference, Lund, Sweden, 25-28 June 2009.
- ‘An interface between art history and film: the use of the tableau vivant in Passion (1982) by Jean-Luc Godard’, New and Old Frames in Cinema, NECS 2008 Conference, Budapest, 19-21 June 2008.
- ‘Filmic vs. Pictorial Narrative in Passion (1982) by Jean-Luc Godard’, NarrativEncounters: New Perspectives on Narration, UCC, 15-17 February 2008.
Invited Presentations
- ‘Earthly Flesh: Pasolini, Francis Bacon and the Mannerists”. UCC Film Studies Research Seminar Series, University College Cork. November 2013
- ‘Pasolini’s Hidden Rome: Borders and Peripheries’. Invited Lecture to M. Arch Students. Cork Centre for Architectural Education. UCC/CIT. December 2012
- Advanced Film Analysis, MA in Film Studies programme: ‘Dziga Vertov: Man with a Movie Camera’. October 2010
- ‘Mimesis and Identity in Derek Jarman’s Caravaggio’. National Gallery of Ireland, Research Day. March 2010
- ‘Lust of the Eye; Hitchcock, Narrative and Intermediality’ Invited Research Seminar.NAIRTL Module of Narratives, UCC, 2009
- ‘L’Évangile au risque de la psychoanalyse. Françoise Dolto’, in Reading Godard. Ed. by Céline Scemama and Kevin J. Hayes. Caboose. (Forthcoming).
- ‘La Pesanteur et la grâce (Gravity and Grace) Simone Weil’, in Reading Godard. Ed. by Céline Scemama and Kevin J. Hayes. Caboose. (Forthcoming).
- ‘Dark Fragments: Contrasting Corporealities in Pasolini’s La ricotta’. Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media, Issue 7 www.alphavillejournal.com (Summer 2014).
- ‘Motion Capture: Drawing and the Moving Image. Curated by Ed Krcma and Matt Packer Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork, 26 July–4 November 2012’. Review. Alphaville, Journal of Film and Screen Media, Issue 4. www.alphavillejournal.com (Winter 2012)
- ‘Aesthetics of the Passion: Art-historical readings of the Sacred in the early films of Pier Paolo Pasolini’, in Faith and Spirituality in Masters of World Cinema, Volume II. Ed. By K. Morefield. Cambridge Scholars Press (2011).
- ’‘To See a Script’: Godard’s Re-envisioning of the Screenplay in Scénario du film Passion’, Journal of Screenwriting, 3.1. Intellect (2011)
- ‘Mimesis and Identity in Derek Jarman’s Caravaggio’. Artefact, Journal of the Irish Association of Art Historians. Issue 4, 2010.
Barry Ryan, William J. Leen and President's PhD Scholar - PhD completed 2008
BARRY RYAN (Supervisor: Dr Silvia Ross; PhD completed 2008
Title of Thesis: Spatializing the Italian Resistance in Calvino, Fenoglio and Viganò
External Examiner: Prof. Tullio Pagano (Dickinson College)
Conference Presentations:
- ‘Failed Odysseys? Calvino, Fenoglio and the Return of the Partisan’, 1st Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 1 March 2008
- ‘Questions of space in Renata Viganò’s L’Agnese va a morire’, SIS Postgraduate Colloquium, University of Glasgow, 28 April 2007
- Chair, Session ‘Representing the Resistance’, SIS Postgraduate Colloquium, University of Bristol, 3 June 2006
- ‘Labyrinth, Hell and Locus Amoenus: The Intertextual Use of Woodland in Calvino’s Resistance Writing’, SIS Postgraduate Colloquium, Pembroke College, Cambridge, 16 April 2005
- ‘Altered Spaces: Calvino, Fenoglio and the Odyssey of the Italian Partisan,’ Working Papers (online graduate journal of the Romance Languages Department at the University of Pennsylvania), Spring 2009 Issue.
- ‘Labyrinth, Hell and Locus Amoenus: The Intertextual Use of Woodland in Calvino’s The Path to the Spiders’ Nests’, in Risso, Linda and Boria, Monica, eds. Politics and Culture in Post-War Italy. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2006. ISBN: 1904303919
Gianluca Cinelli, President's and Arts Faculty PhD Scholar - PhD completed 2008
'Memoria, storia e soggettività. Un’analisi ermeneutica delle opere autobiografiche di Primo Levi, Nuto Revelli, Rosetta Loy e Mario Rigoni Stern'
Supervisor: Dr Silvia Ross
External Examiner: Dr Robert Gordon (Cambridge)
Academic activity between 01/01/2008 and 31/12/2014
PhD in Italian at the National University of Ireland Cork (supervisor: Dr Silvia Ross; ext. examiner: Prof. Robert Gordon). Title of thesis: Memoria, soggettività e verità: una lettura ermeneutica delle opere autobiografiche di Primo Levi, Nuto Revelli, Rosetta Loy e Mario Rigoni Stern.
Research assistant at the Istituto Storico della Resistenza e della Società Contemporanea in Provincia di Cuneo “Dante Livio Bianco” with the project Nuto Revelli. La scrittura e l’impegno civile, dalla testimonianza della Seconda Guerra Mondiale alla critica dell’Italia repubblicana. The project was co-sponsored by “Nuto Revelli” Foundation.
Research assistant at the Istituto Storico della Resistenza e della Società Contemporanea in Provincia di Cuneo “Dante Livio Bianco”, for the research project “La memorialistica tedesca della campagna di Russia 1941-1945. Una tradizione tra storia e mito”.
01/01/2012 – 31/12/2013
Scientific collaborator of the Istituto Storico della Resistenza e della Società Contemporanea in Provincia di Cuneo “Dante Livio Bianco” with the project “La memorialistica italiana della prigionia sovietica e dell’internamento militare in Germania. Esperienze a confronto dall’universo concentrazionario del totalitarismo”. The project was sponsored by the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.
01/05/2012 – 30/04/2014
Postdoctoral Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, at Goethe-University Frankfurt, Institute of Modern Languages with the research project The Problem of Evil in Storia della colonna infame by Alessandro Manzoni. Foundations of a Theory for the Ethical Literature.
02/11-2014 –
Scientific collaborator in the Cattedra of Letteratura Moderna e Contemporanea (Prof. Franco D’Intino), University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
La questione del male in Storia della colonna infame di Alessandro Manzoni. Fondamenti di una teoria della letteratura etica, Leicester, Troubador (forthcoming 2015).
Prigionieri di Stalin e di Hitler. L’esperienza del totalitarismo nella memorialistica italiana e tedesca, Cuneo, Primalpe, 2014.
Nuto Revelli. La scrittura e l’impegno civile, dalla testimonianza della Seconda Guerra Mondiale alla critica dell’Italia repubblicana, Torino, Aragno, 2011.
Ermeneutica e scrittura autobiografica. Primo Levi, Nuto Revelli, Rosetta Loy, Mario Rigoni Stern, Milano, Unicopli, 2008.
Edited and co-authored books:
La letteratura e il male. Rappresentazione e critica di un concetto indeterminate dall’Illuminismo a oggi, edited with Patrizia Piredda (submitted to Sapienza Editore, Roma).
Etica e letteratura della Grande Guerra. Rappresentazioni della crisi, edited with Patrizia Piredda (submitted to Marchese Editore, Napoli).
La memorialistica di prigionia dei militari italiani nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Origini, forme e significati di una tradizione fra storia e letteratura. Atti del seminario di ricerca, Cuneo, 12 aprile 2012, Cuneo, ISRCN, 2013.
Articles in books and journals:
“The Battle of Stalingrad and the Literary Archetypes” (submitted to Modern Language Notes – German Issue).
“‘Fissar di nuovo lo sguardo sopra orrori già conosciuti…’ la funzione etica e catartica della rappresentazione della sofferenza in Storia della colonna infame di Manzoni”, Studi d’italianistica nell’Africa australe/Italian Studies in Southern Africa, (forthcoming 2015).
“L’argomentazione morale in Storia della colonna infame di Alessandro Manzoni”, Annali manzoniani (forthcoming 2015).
“La questione della colpa nella memorialistica tedesca della campagna di Russia”, in Lettere dal Don. Atti del XII seminario dell’Archivio della scrittura popolare, a cura di Quinto Antonelli, Trento, Fondazione Museo storico del Trentino (forthcoming 2015).
“La sofferenza tra etica e religione in Storia della colonna infame di Manzoni”, P.r.i.s.m.i. Révue d’études italiennes, (forthcoming 2014).
“La memorialistica tedesca dell’operazione Barbarossa. Un mito letterario”, Il confronto letterario (forthcoming 2014).
“Etica e filosofia della storia in Manzoni”, Allegoria (forthcoming 2014).
“Il rapporto di Alessandro Manzoni con Verri e con l’Illuminismo in Storia della colonna infame. Opinione, pubblico, posterità”, Quaderni d’Italianistica (forthcoming 2014).
“Costruzione e decostruzione dell’immagine eroica del combattente della Grande Guerra attraverso le lettere e le testimonianze: Omodeo, Revelli, Procacci”, Il presente e la storia, 85 (luglio 2014).
“L’argomentazione del ‘vero positivo’ in Storia della colonna infame di Alessandro Manzoni”, Romanistische Zeitschrift für Literaturgeschichte, 38, 3-4 (2014), 405-429.
“Cronaca, storia e verosimile in 16 ottobre 1943 e Storia della colonna infame”, Italica Belgradensia, 1 (2014), 81-98.
“L’argomentazione verosimile in Storia della colonna infame di Alessandro Manzoni”, Italienisch, 71, 1 (2014), 40-60.
“La memoria della prigionia sovietica. Restaurazione dell’identità nazionale in continuità con il fascismo”, in La memorialistica di prigionia dei militari italiani nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Origini, forme e significati di una tradizione fra storia e letteratura. Atti del seminario di ricerca, Cuneo, 12 aprile 2012, a cura di Gianluca Cinelli, Cuneo, ISRCN, 2013, pp. 121-150.
“Alessandro Manzoni e Primo Levi sulla funzione etica della letteratura”, Spunti e ricerche. Rivista d’italianistica, 27, 1 (2012), 8-29.
“La memorialistica tedesca della campagna di Russia. Una tradizione fra storia e mito”, Il presente e la storia, 81 (settembre 2012), 5-72.
“Il doppio, il falso e la maschera ne La chiave a stella: il problema della verità autobiografica”, L’abaco, 4-7 (2010), 259-270.
“L’autobiografia come dislocamento. Motivi allegorici ne La chiave a stella di Primo Levi”, Quaderni d’Italianistica, 31, 1 (2010), 173-196.
“L’eredità di Nuto Revelli”, La libellula, 1, 1 (Dicembre 2009), 106-118 (www.lalibellulaitalianistica.it).
“La memoria, la traccia e la funzione del narratore in Ritorno sul Don di Mario Rigoni Stern”, Quaderni d’Italianistica, 29, 1 (2008), 165-182.
“Silenzio e verità ne La parola ebreo di Rosetta Loy”, Modern Languages Notes, Italian Issue, 123 (January 2008), 8-21.
“Mario Rigoni Stern. Lo scrittore in guerra e in pace”, www.retididedalus.it (February 2007).
“L’occupazione tedesca nel Cuneese nelle testimonianze dei civili: Il disperso di Marburg di Nuto Revelli”, Il presente e la storia, 70 (December 2006), 339-352.
“Micro-History and Memory in Il disperso di Marburg by Nuto Revelli”, in Politics and Culture in Post-War Italy, Linda Risso e Monica Boria eds., Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2006, 119-131.
“La parodia e il cinismo: Il fantasma di Canterville di Oscar Wilde”, in Muzzioli, Francesco, ed., Il fantastico e l’allegoria, Roma, Editori Riuniti, 2006, 114-120.
“‘Microstoria’, memoria e impegno”, Il presente e la storia, 68 (dicembre 2005), 331-339.
“Ian McEwan: ritratti noir di famiglia”, Prospektiva, 16 (November – December 2002), 44-53.
“Günter Grass e Ian McEwan: il romanzo storico contro la storia”, Prospektiva, 15 (September – October 2001), 16-35.
“Raccontare la guerra”, Italienisch, 2 (November 2012), 154-155.
“F-Recce. Uno squadrone nella Guerra di Liberazione”, Il presente e la storia, 81 (luglio 2012), 256-258.
“Hanno sparato a un aquilone”, Il presente e la storia, 80 (dicembre 2011), 250-251.
“Autobiografie politiche all’ombra del PCI”, in Almanacco Odradek 2007, Francesco Muzzioli, Mario Lunetta and Marco Palladini eds., Roma, Odradek, 2007, 292-294.
“Generazione ribelle. Diari e lettere dal 1943 al 1945 di Mario Avagliano”, www.retididedalus.it (2006).
“La lingua batte di Giovanni Commare”, www.retididedalus.it (2006).
“Attualità della Grande Guerra di Mimmo Sacco, Alberto Monticone e Mario Rigoni Stern”, www.retididedalus.it (2006).
“Antimilitarismo di Gian Pietro Lucini”, www.retididedalus.it (2006).
“L’oca al passo di Antonio Tabucchi”, www.retididedalus.it (2006).
“Letteratura e diversità”, in Muzzioli, Francesco and Mario Lunetta, eds., Almanacco Odradek 2006, Roma, Odradek, 2006, 275-282.
“Neppure quando è notte”, Atelier, 32, VIII (December 2003), 132-134.
“Il paradosso dei classici”, www.bollettario.it (2003).
Four critical outlines for “La vetrina che non c’è”, in Muzzioli, Francesco and others, eds., Almanacco Odradek 2003, Rome, Odradek, 2003, 239-264.
“Il sogno come opera d’arte?”, www.bollettario.it (2002).
“Mostrare l’etica” attraverso il diario. I diari di guerra di Giuseppe Garrone (1915-1918) e di Nuto Revelli (1942-1943), Annual Conference of the AAIS, Zürich, 23-25 May 2014.
La rappresentazione dei tedeschi nella letteratura italiana dopo il 1945, Public lecture, Vereinigung für deutsch-italienische Studien, Frankfurt am Main, 8 May 2014.
Il “rifiuto d’obbedienza”. Pacifismo e rivolta in Jean Giono e Malaparte, Studientag “Etica e letteratura della Grande Guerra. Rappresentazioni della crisi”, Goethe-University Frankfurt, 28 April 2014.
Memoria e riconciliazione. I tedeschi nella letteratura italiana dopo il 1945, Public lecture, University of Bonn, 16 January 2014.
Le nozioni di passione ed errore in Storia della colonna infame. Proposte per una comparazione con la filosofia antica, Public lecture, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, 13 December 2013.
La ricezione di Storia della colonna infame in chiave comparativa europea. Premesse storiche, limiti ideologici e prospettive interdisciplinari, International conference “L’Europa di Manzoni e il Manzoni dell’Europa. Per la ricostruzione di un mito estetico-politico”, Centro Svizzero and Biblioteca Braidense, Milan, 11-12 November 2013.
The Problem of Evil in Literary Accounts of Trials. Narrative Paradigma for Ethical Literature, XXème Congrès de l’Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée (AILC/ICLA), Université “la Sorbonne”, Paris, 18-24 Juli 2013.
“Fissar di nuovo lo sguardo sopra orrori già conosciuti…” la funzione etica e catartica della rappresentazione della sofferenza in Storia della colonna infame di Manzoni, AATI Annual Conference, Strasbourg, 30 May – 4 June 2013.
La memoria della prigionia sovietica come mito di rifondazione dell’identità nazionale, seminario di ricerca “La memorialistica di prigionia dei militari italiani nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Origini, forme e significati di una tradizione fra storia e letteratura”, ISRCN “Dante Livio Bianco”, Cuneo, 12 April 2013.
La memorialistica tedesca della campagna di Russia. La questione della colpa nelle testimonianze dei reduci, XII Seminario “Archivio della scrittura popolare”, Trento, 21-22 November 2011.
Nuto Revelli. Una voce critica sulla transizione dal fascismo all’Italia repubblicana, Public lecture, Salone del Libro, Turin, 15 May 2011.
Il partigianato giellista come scuola di democrazia. La guerra dei poveri di Nuto Revelli, conference “Giellismo e Azionismo. Cantieri aperti – settima edizione”, Istituto Piemontese per la Storia della Resistenza e della Società Contemporanea “Giorgio Agosti”, Turin, 28-30 April 2011.
Tampering with the experience of war. The effect of censorship and self-censorship on the language of Italian and German letters from the USSR, 1941-1945, international conference “Languages at war: policies and practices of language contacts in conflict”, Imperial War Museum, London, 7-9 April 2011.
La scrittura di Nuto Revelli. Stile, retorica e dialogo, research seminar “Nuto Revelli testimone del Novecento”, Istituto Romano per la Storia d’Italia dal Fascismo alla Resistenza, Rome, 6 April 2011.
Nuto Revelli e la sua eredità culturale, celebration day “Ricordando Nuto”, Public lecture, Cuneo, Salone d’onore del Comune di Cuneo, 5 February 2011.
La memoria, la traccia e la funzione del narratore nella memorialistica di Mario Rigoni Stern, Biennial Conference of the Society for Italian Studies, University of Bangor, Bangor, UK, 4-6 July 2007.
La chiave a stella: l’autobiografia di un doppio, Postgraduate Colloquium of the Society for Italian Studies, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK, 28 April 2007.
The German Occupation through Civilians’ Testimonies: the Importance and Limits of Oral History in Il disperso di Marburg by Nuto Revelli, International Conference “Italy at War: 1935-2005” dell’Association for the Study of Modern Italy (ASMI), Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Edimburgo, UK, 25-26 November 2005.
Witnessing Guilt and Innocence in Rosetta Loy’s La parola ebreo, International Conference of Holocaust and Trauma Studies “The Future of Memory”, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK, 10-12 November 2005.
Microstoria e memoria in Il disperso di Marburg di Nuto Revelli, Postgraduate Colloquium of the Society for Italian Studies, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, 16-17 April 2005.
28 April 2014
Conference “Etica e letteratura della Grande Guerra. Rappresentazioni della crisi / Ethik und Literatur des Großen Krieges. Darstellungen der Krise” (with Dr Patrizia Piredda), Goethe-University Frankfurt. The conference will be sponsored by the Vereinigung der Freunde und Förderer der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt and by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
7-8 February 2014
International conference “La letteratura e il male: indeterminatezza e critica dall’Illuminismo a oggi / Die Literatur und das Böse: Unbestimmtheit und Kritik von der Aufklärung bis heute” (with Prof. Peter Ihring), Universität Frankfurt “Goethe”. The conference was sponsored by the Institute for Modern Languages, Goethe-University Frankfurt; by the Frankfurter Stiftung für deutsch-italienische Studien; and by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
12 April 2013
International conference “La memorialistica di prigionia dei militari italiani nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Origini, forme e significati di una tradizione fra storia e letteratura”, ISRCN “Dante Livio Bianco”. The conference was sponsored by the Comagnia di San Paolo Foundation and by the ISRCN.
October 2013 – February 2014 (Wintersemester)
Haupteseminar for undergraduate students (Qualification in Italian, first and second subject, Teaching Qualification) “Etica, storia e letteratura in Alessandro Manzoni”. Institute for Modern Languages, Goethe-University Frankfurt.
April – July 2013 (Sommersemster)
Haupteseminar for undergraduate students (Qualification in Italian, first and second subject, Teaching Qualification) “Mito, memoria e storia nella narrativa di Mario Rigoni Stern”. Institute for Modern Languages, Goethe-University Frankfurt.
October 2012-February 2013 (Wintersemester)
Haupteseminar for undergraduate students (Qualification in Italian, first and second subject, Teaching Qualification) “Letteratura e scienza fra il 1600 e il 1800”. Institute for Modern Languages, Goethe-University Frankfurt.
Alessia Risi, IRCHSS Postgraduate Scholar - PhD Completed 2013
ALESSIA RISI (Supervisor: Dr Mark Chu; PhD completed 2013)
Title of Thesis: Destabilising Function and Political Commitment: Female Figures in Italian Crime Fiction, 1980 to the Present External Examiner: Prof Carol Lazzaro-Weis (University of Missouri)
Conference Presentations:
- ‘From Italy to Denmark. Do Female Features Really Change Under Bleak Skies?’, Invited talk at University of Glasgow, 23 February 2015
- ‘Transmedial Representations of Maternal Identity’, Invited talk at University College Cork, 25 March 2014
- ‘From Italy to Denmark. Do Female Features Really Change Under Bleak Skies?’, AAIS 2014, University of Zurich, 23-25 May 2014
- ‘Transmedialità del materno’, SIS Biennial Conference, Durham University, 8-11 July 2013
- ‘Giallo/noir: la narrativa di genere e la lettura della società. Prospettive per lo sviluppo di un gruppo di ricerca’, presented together with Dr Mark Chu and Dr Marco Amici at the ‘Italian Studies in Ireland One-Day Research Colloquium, Trinity College Dublin, 2 February 2013
- ‘Back to the ‘Years of Lead’: Between Conspiracy and Psychological Investigation in Annamaria Fassio’s Come torrenti di pioggia’, International Conference ‘States of Crime: The State in Crime Fiction’, Queen’s University Belfast, 17-18 June 2011
- ‘Cinematic Elements in Silvia Ballestra’s Tutto su mia nonna’, 4th Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, University College Cork Italian, 5 February 2011
- ‘Variazioni di genere: le donne nella narrativa di indagine italiana’, «On ne naît pas... on le devient» Les Gender Studies et le cas italien, Grenoble, Université Stendhal, 25-26 November 2010
- ‘Narrative Post-Noir? Some Considerations about the Genre and Grazia Verasani’s Writing’, Postgraduate Research Day, UCC, 29 October 2010.
- ‘Corpo e memoria nella narrativa ibrida di Nicoletta Vallorani’, 3rd Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 27 February 2010
- ‘Mixed Genres and Hybrid Perspectives in Nicoletta Vallorani’s Writing’, International Conference ‘Con(tra)vention: Crime and the Boundaries of the Genre’, UCC, 26-27 June 2009
- ‘Tu sei lei: una chiamata all’impegno politico’, SIS Biennial Conference, Royal Holloway University London, 16-19 April 2009
- ‘Fra mito pagano e offensiva cristiana: l’elemento femminile in Nicolas Eymerich, inquisitore’, 2nd Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 21 February 2009
- ‘Giorgio Scerbanenco e la matrice del nero. Analisi di una rappresentazione contraddittoria della figura femminile in ‘Annalisa e il passaggio a livello’’, SIS Postgraduate Colloquium, University of Reading, 6 June 2008
- ‘Dalle microstorie di Grazia Verasani alla costruzione del sociale. Analisi delle ‘trame’ secondarie in Quo Vadis Baby? e Velocemente da nessuna parte’, International Conference ‘Quale memoria per il noir italiano? Un’indagine pluridisciplinare’, Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, 15-16 May 2008
- ‘His-story e/o Her-story: quale storia per le donne?’, International Conference ‘Il romanzo poliziesco, la storia, la memoria. Italia, America Latina’, Université de Provence, 6-8 March 2008
- ‘Identità di genere e il giallo come romanzo storico-sociale nell’opera di Grazia Verasani’, 1st Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 1 March 2008
- ‘Approaches to Gender: Grazia Verasani’s Giorgia Cantini Series’, in Crime Story and International Feminism: The Influence of Sara Paretsky on Crime Fiction around the World. Ed. by Enrico Minardi. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, forthcoming 2015.
- ‘Il transmedia activism nel contesto italiano: l’esperienza transmediale Rai di Transiti’, in Transmedia. Storia, memoria e narrazioni italiane attraverso i media. Ed. by Clodagh Brook and Emanuala Patti. Milano: Mimesis, forthcoming 2015.
- ‘Transmedial Representations of Maternal Identity’, JICSM (2014). Under consideration.
- Aigne. The Online Postgraduate Journal of the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences: Italian Edition (2013). <http://research.ucc.ie/aigne/home>.
- ‘Dalle microstorie di Grazia Verasani alla costruzione del sociale. Analisi delle ‘trame’ secondarie in Quo Vadis, Baby? e Velocemente da nessuna parte’, in Memoria in Noir. Un’indagine pluridisciplinare. Ed. by Monica Jansen and Yasmina Khamal. Bruxelles: Peter Lang, 2010. 193-202.
- ‘Siamo davvero al post noir? Alcune considerazioni sul genere e sulla scrittura di Grazia Verasani’, in Roma Noir 2010. Scritture nere: narrativa di genere, New Italian Epic o post- noir?. Ed. by Elisabetta Mondello. Roma: Robin, 2010. 167-186.
- ‘Donne e contesto storico-sociale: le figure femminili nella scrittura di Grazia Verasani’, in Il romanzo poliziesco, la storia, la memoria. Ed. by Claudio Milanesi. Bologna: Astraea, 2009. 187-198.
- ‘Tu sei lei: una chiamata all’impegno politico’, La Libellula. Rivista di Italianistica. 1 (2009). 77-86.
- ‘Il mercato della lettura. Produzione, lettori, media e nuovi media’, in La narrativa italiana degli anni Novanta. Ed. by Elisabetta Mondello. Roma: Meltemi, 2004. 179-198.
Funding: IRCHSS (Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences) Postgraduate Scholarship; Dept of Italian PhD Studentship; CACSSS Postgraduate Travel Bursary 2013.
Serena Todesco, CACSSS PhD Scholar - PhD Completed 2012
SERENA TODESCO (Supervisor: Dr Mark Chu, PhD completed 2012)
Title of Thesis: L’isola delle madri assenti: tracce di presenza femminile nella narrativa storica siciliana contemporanea (1990-2007) External Examiner: Margherita Ganeri
Conference Presentations:
- ‘Riscrivere la Storia con l’occhio di un bambino: soggettività e trauma ne I bambini della Ginestra’, La réécriture de l’Histoire dans les romans de la postmodernité, Université Aix-Marseille, 14-16 November 2013
- ‘Isabella Tomasi: storiografia e reinvenzione testuale di un soggetto eccentrico’, Society of Italian Studies Postgraduate Colloquium, University of Warwick, 5 June 2010
- ‘Silvana La Spina e la storia siciliana al femminile, tra corpo e potere’, 3rd Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 27 February 2010
- ‘La religiosità sciasciana: alcune riflessioni scaturite da Dalle parti degli infedeli’, Leonardo Sciascia, vent’anni dopo, UCC, 23-24 October 2009
- Leonardo Sciascia’s Defiance: Literature, History, Politics, University College London, 6-7 November 2009
- ‘“La verità non è mai superficie”: il confine dialettico tra verità e menzogna nella riflessione storica di Maria Attanasio’, 2th Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 21 February 2009
- ‘Riscrivere la Storia con l’occhio di un bambino: soggettività e trauma ne I bambini della Ginestra’, Conference Papers, Aix-en-Provence: Université Aix-Marseille (2015 forthcoming).
- ‘Il romanzo storico di Maria Attanasio’, Paleokastro - Rivista di Studi sul Valdemone, N. 3.3 (June-July 2011), 21-28.
- ‘The woman who gave birth to stories: Emma Donoghue and the reinvention of gender in historical fiction’, Language, Literature and Cultural Studies, 1.1, (June 2008), 85-100.
Funding: CACSSS PhD Scholarship; Ministero degli Affari Esteri – Direzione Generale per la Promozione e la Cooperazione Culturale – Masters’ Degree Scholarship (October 2007 – 8 months)
Fiona Duffy, Sardinian Government Scholar - MPhil Completed 2011
FIONA DUFFY (Supervisor: Dr Mark Chu; MPhil completed 2011)
Title of Thesis: The Construction of Personal and Collective Identities in the Writings of Emilio Lussu External Examiner: Dr Philip Cooke (University of Strathclyde)
Conference Presentations:
- ‘Man of Action – L'attivismo in the writings of Emilio Lussu’, SIS Postgraduate Colloquium, University of Reading, 6 June 2008
- ‘The Figure of the Leader in the Writings of Emilio Lussu’, Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, UCC, 1 March 2008
- ‘The Figure of the Soldier in the Writings of Emilio Lussu’, SIS Postgraduate Colloquium, University of Glasgow, 28 April 2007
- ‘The Construction of the Identity of the Common Soldier in Emilio Lussu’, Origines et identités - FIGS Conference for French & Italian Literature & Romance Linguistics, University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA, 4-5 April 2007
- Montis, Daniele, Summae Difficultatis: i meandri della psiche, (Ferrara: Istituto di Cultura Casa “Giorgio Cini” di Ferrara, 2003), with an English translation by Fiona Duffy
Funding: Sardinian Regional Government Postgraduate Scholarship.