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Current PhD Students
Noreen Kane
Supervisors: Chiara Giuliani and Silvia Ross
Title of Thesis: Trauma and the Gendered Body in Postcolonial Italian Women’s Writing
Undergraduate degree: BA in Italian and English, UCD, 2008
Master’s degree: MA in Italian Studies, UCD, 2011
Articles in academic journals:
* Kane, Noreen, “Embodying Colonial Ghosts in Postcolonial Italian Women's Writing”, The Boolean: Snapshots of Doctoral Research at University College Cork, VI(1), 2022, pp. 172-178.
Other Publications - Book Reviews:
* Kane, Noreen. “Elena Zambelli. Sexscapes of Pleasure: Women, Sexuality and the Whore Stigma in Italy”, Italian Studies, (forthcoming in 2023).
* Kane, Noreen. “Igiaba Scego. The Colour Line”, Litro Magazine, 9 February 2023, https://www.litromagazine.com/usa/2023/02/book-review-the-colour-line/
Conference Presentations:
* “Intergenerational Trauma and Complex Implication in Maaza Mengiste’s The Shadow King.” Conference: Afterlives of Empire in the Public Imagination, Sapienza University, 21-22 September 2023.
* “Trauma, Sensation, and Affect in the Work of Igiaba Scego and Maaza Mengiste.” SIS Interim Themed Conference: Affect, Emotion, Sensation, Selwyn College, University of Cambridge, 7-8 September 2023.
* “Intergenerational Trauma as expressed through the Female Protagonists’ Relationships to Food in Maaza Mengiste’s Beneath the Lion’s Gaze and Igiaba Scego’s La mia casa è dove sono.” Conference: XII Annual Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, University College Cork, 9-10 June 2023.
*“Postcolonial Italian Women Writers Renegotiating a Sense of Collective Identity in Ubah Cristina Ali Farah’s Little Mother and Igiaba Scego’s Beyond Babylon through Western Trauma Theory and the Pan-African Philosophy of Ubuntu.” Conference: On the Move and Moving On: (Re)negotiations of Migration in Contemporary Literature and Film Conference, ILCS, Senate House, London, 13 January 2023.
* “The Female Body as Site of Intergenerational Memory in Representations of Italian Colonialism in Maaza Mengiste’s Beneath the Lion’s Gaze and The Shadow King, and Ubah Cristina Ali Farah’s Little Mother.” Workshop: Colonialism and Transgenerational Memory in Europe, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology (online), 21-22 September 2022.
*“The Embodiment of Colonial Trauma in Ubah Cristina Ali Farah’s Madre Piccola and Igiaba Scego’s Adua.” Summer School: The Cultural Heritage and Memory of Totalitarianism, Sapienza University, Rome, 1 July 2022.
* “Trauma and Resistance in Igiaba Scego’s Oltre Babilonia and Adua.” Conference: AAIS (online), 13 May, 2022.
* “The Representation of Intergenerational Trauma in Postcolonial Italian Women’s Writing.” Seminar: Memory, Commemoration and Uses of the Past Research Cluster, CASiLaC, University College Cork, 1 April 2022.
* “The Representation of Intergenerational Trauma in Igiaba Scego’s Beyond Babylon.” Conference: College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences
* Postgraduate Conference, University College Cork (online), 22 February 2022.
* “The Representation of Female Genital Mutilation in Postcolonial Italian Women’s Writing.” Conference: Contemporary Women Writers and the Medical Humanities, IMLR (online), 29 July 2021.
Funding: Irish Research Council Postgraduate Scholarship (2021-2025) and National University of Ireland Travelling Doctoral Studentship (2021-2025).
Email contacts: 120228167@umail.ucc.ie / noreenkaneucc@gmail.com
Elsina Caponetti
* Review of Aggiornamenti sulla "Commedia" curated by V. Giannantonio, A. Sorella, in “L’Alighieri. Rassegna dantesca”, 59 (2021), pp. 143-46.
* “Body and Soul: Dynamics of Detachment and Reunion in Dante’s Commedia and in the Medieval Visionary Tradition”, 2023 SIS Themed Conference ‘Affect, Sensation, Emotion’, 7-8 September 2023, Selwyn College, Cambridge.
* “La telepatia di Virgilio nella Commedia dantesca”, XII Annual Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, University College Cork, 9-10 June 2023.
* “Retracing Elements of Vision Literature in Dante’s Pit of Hell”, Dante Futures Conference: New Voices in Ireland and the UK, University College Cork, 11-12 November 2022.
* “Il pozzo dell’Inferno. Dante e la Visio Tnugdali”, XXV Congresso AIPI, Università degli Studi di Palermo, 27-29 October 2022.
* “Prospettive di ricerca sulla Commedia e la letteratura visionaria medioevale: uno sguardo sulla tradizione critica a partire dal XIX secolo”, AlmaDante Seminario dantesco 2022, Bologna, 22-24 June 2022.
* “An Irish Representation of Hell before Dante: the Visio Tnugdali”, Invited Lecture for the Società Dante Alighieri Cork, 23 May 2022.
* “Corporeality in Inferno: a starting point for research on Dante and Irish Vision Literature”, Invited Presentation for The Leeds Centre for Dante Studies Lunch series, 10 March 2022
* “Bleeding plants in dialogue: Polydorus and Pier delle Vigne in Inferno XIII”, Society for Italian Studies PG Colloquium, online colloquium, 18 February 2022.
Funding: Irish Research Council – Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship.
Email contacts: 121127011@umail.ucc.ie / elsinacap@gmail.com
Chiara Valcelli
Supervisors: Daragh O'Connell, Adam Hanna
Title of Thesis: Mapping Dante's Commedia onto Joyce's Dubliners, Ulysses and Finnegans Wake
Undergraduate degree: Bachelor of Arts, Università degli Studi di Perugia, 2018.
Master’s degree: Teaching of the Italian Language to Foreigners, Università per Stranieri di Perugia, 2021.
Articles in academic journals:
* Valcelli, C., “Joyce’s infernal Dublin in childhood and maturity”, in Joyspace, James Joyce and space, Joyce Studies in Italy no. 23, edited by Roberto Baronti Marchiò, Editoriale Anicia, Roma, 2021, pp. 175-187.
* Valcelli, C., “Influences of Dante’s Purgatorio in Joyce’s Ulysses: a pilgrimage of redemption”, in One, no one, and one hundred (thousand?) Ulysses, Joyce Studies in Italy no. 24, edited by Serenella Zanotti, Editoriale Anicia, Roma, 2022, pp. 155-168.
Conference Proceedings:
*Valcelli, C., “Il Cammino di Dante in Umbria: seguire i passi di Dante in Paradiso XI”, in Turismi Danteschi, Collana TULE, a cura di Giovanni Capecchi e Roberto Mosena, Perugia Stranieri University Press, Perugia (Forthcoming in 2024).
Conference Presentations:
* “Che è quel ch’i’odo. Sere, issa vegg’io Pola appo del Carnaro: Dante in Joyce’s language acquisition.” Conference: Dante Futures, University of Leeds, 17-18 November 2023.
* “A Tale of Two Cities: An Affective Study of Dante’s Florence and Joyce’s Dublin.” Conference: The 2023 SIS Themed Conference ‘Affect, Emotion, Sensation’, University of Cambridge, Selwyn College, 7–8 September 2023.
* “Joyce and Dante: reading Inferno.” Conference: XII Annual Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, University College Cork, 9-10 June 2023.
* “Dante nell’officina di Joyce: l’Inferno e la sperimentazione linguistica”. Conference: Congresso Dantesco Internazionale, Ravenna, 17-20 May 2023.
* “Dream, memory and hallucination in Joyce and Dante.” Conference: XV James Joyce Italian Foundation, University Roma Tre, 2-3 February 2023.
* “Mapping Dante’s Inferno onto Joyce’s Dubliners.” Conference: Dante Futures, University College Cork, 11-12 November 2022.
* “Influences of Dante’s Purgatorio in Joyce’s Ulysses: a pilgrimage of redemption.” Conference: XIV James Joyce Italian Foundation, University Roma Tre, 28-29 April 2022.
* “The Borders of Italy by Joyce and Dante”. Conference: OmniJoyce, International James Joyce Foundation, online, 14-16 June 2021.
* “Gabriel Conroy: The Fall into Inferno.” Conference: XIII James Joyce Italian Foundation, University Roma Tre, 30-31 January 2020.
Funding: Irish Research Council Postgraduate Scholarship
Email contacts: 122120320@umail.ucc.ie / chiaravalcelli@gmail.com
Francesca Nieddu
Supervisor: Dr. Silvia Ross
Title of Thesis: The Genres of the Family Novel, Family Memoir and Childhood Memoir in Italian Women’s Writing from the 20th Century to the Present
Undergraduate degree: Bachelor of Arts, Università di Cagliari, 2019
Master’s degree: MA in Italian Studies, European Literary Cultures & Linguistics, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, 2022.
Articles in academic journals:
* “‘Destinazione Aracoeli’: riandare al materno con il corpo della memoria”, in OBLIO, 13, June 2023, pp. 131-144.
Conference Presentations:
* “‘Destinazione Aracoeli’: riandare al materno con il corpo della memoria”, Conference: “Omaggio ad Elsa Morante: per i quarant’anni di Aracoeli”, Università di Cagliari, 19- 20 May 2022.
* “Tutte le vite iniziano con una donna”: un dialogo intertestuale fra Giulia Caminito e le sue Amatissime, Day Seminar: Il corpo delle donne fra narrazione cinematografica e narrazione letteraria nel contemporaneo estremo, Università di Cagliari, 5 May 2023
* “The Contamination between the Anti-Bildungsroman and the Family Novel in L'acqua del lago non è mai dolce by Giulia Caminito: Outlining a Hybrid Family Novel”, XII Annual Graduate Conference in Italian Studies, University College Cork, 9-10 June 2023.
Funding: Irish Research Council Postgraduate Scholarship.
Email contacts: 122115423@umail.ucc.ie / francescanieddu2@gmail.com
Tommaso Verga
Giulia Bernuzzi
Supervisors: Dr. Marco Amici and Dr. Mark Chu
Title of Thesis: Rethinking the Urban Conglomerate: How to Combine Utopia and Dystopia into a Shared,
Sustainable and Livable Space.
Undergraduate degree: Bachelor of Arts, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, 2021
Master's degree: Master of Arts, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2023
Articles in academic journals:
* "The adaptation of Pirandello’s Enrico IV into a comic book: Regni and Bianchi’s Project” in Pirandello Studies, 43, 2023.
Other publications:
*“Scrittura e variazioni tra Settecento e Novecento. Jacques e il suo padrone di Milan Kundera” in Webzine Theatron 2.0, 2021.
*Libri in pellicola. Casi editoriali del cinema italiano. Milano, EDUcatt, 2020.
Conference Presentations:
* "Calvino’s Invisible Cities and its relationship to modernist and postmodernist architecture: re-narrating the urban landscape”. Graduate Symposium JHU-Yale Mutamenti. Overcoming Crises, University of Yale, 27-28 October 2023.
* "Tra letteratura e architettura: come le opere di Calvino aiutano a ripensare il conglomerato urbano”. XII Italian Studies Postgraduate Conference, University College Cork, 9-10 June 2023.
* “Tra letteratura e architettura. Come le Città invisibili di Calvino aiutano a ripensare il conglomerato urbano”. Masterlanguage Symposium Narrazioni e Memorie di un’Italia divisa: Roma laboratorio di Storia/storie, Universiteit van Amsterdam, April 2023.
* “Alla ricerca della religione perduta (?): le declinazioni del postsecolare in The Young Pope e È stata la mano di Dio”. KNIR Symposium Narrazioni e Memorie di un’Italia divisa e postsecolare, Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut Rome, April 2022.
Funding: Eduardo Saccone PhD Scholarship in Italian Literature.
Email contacts: 123121362@umail.ucc.ie / giuliabernuzzi11@gmail.com