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Italian Intensive Evening Courses


Intensive Italian Evening courses 2025

The Department of Italian is delighted to offer online and face to face intensive Italian language courses at ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS level, commencing in May 2025. 


The online and face to face courses will be given from 6-8 p.m. each evening as follows:

Week 1:  Monday, 26 May, to Friday, 30 May (5 classes x 2 hours each)
Week 2:  Tuesday, 3 June, to Friday, 6 June and Monday, 9 June (5 classes x 2 hours each) 


  • Students attend all classes [20 hours] and will be given intensive instruction at absolute beginners level, with the emphasis on communicative skills. 
  • Fee - €150 [no text book required, all photocopies will be given in class].
  • For further information, please contact the Department of Italian: / tel: 021-4902335
  • Closing date for receipt of application and fees – Friday, 16 May 2025.
  • Note:  As a minimum number of students will be required for the course to go ahead, confirmation will be communicated to the applicants on Tuesday, 20 May 2025.

Department of Italian


First Floor Block A West, O' Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Ireland
