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International exchanges on innovative practices in assessment in Higher Education

7 Mar 2018
ASSET group members pictured outside the North Wing, Main Campus.

A sunny UCC campus welcomed the 37 international delegates participating in the kickstart meeting of the Assessment Tools for HE Learning Environments (ASSET) Erasmus+ project.

Coordinated by the CIRTL team, the meeting brought together delegates from Estonia, Austria, Germany, Georgia, Ireland and Israel to consider innovative forms of assessment.

The ASSET team were welcomed by Dr Marian McCarthy, Interim Vice-President for Teaching and Learning, and they participated in numerous workshops and seminars with the CIRTL team throughout from February 20th -23rd. The group also enjoyed Cork’s culinary and traditional Irish music offerings, with a wonderful sharing of cultural traditions during the week.

ASSET aims to contribute to the improvement of higher education in Georgia and Israel through the development of more flexible and responsive Course Assessment Tools (CATs) to support curriculum development programmes and courses. The project will apply CATs to the innovative courses that have been developed and piloted through previous EU TEMPUS/ERASMUS+ projects. The ASSET project runs from October 2017 to September 2020. 

Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL)

Ard Phádraig, College Road,
