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UCC Clubs Magazine 2023-24

10 Aug 2023
Guide to UCC Clubs 2023-24

Check out all you need to know about UCC Clubs for the academic year ahead

Check out your digital copy of the UCC Clubs Magazine 2023-24 

This is your guide to find out everything you need to know about your UCC Sports Clubs.

If you need any more information, please don't hesitate to reach out the clubs individually or email 

Club Policies

Summary details on UCC club policies.  All relevant members of UCC Sport should familiarise themselves with the below policies and follow the instructions within. The policies shall be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure they continue to fall under best practice.


Area Policy
  UCC Sports Clubs Ehandbook 2024
  Clubs Delegation Framework 2024
Return to Play UCC Sport Clubs Check List Season 24.25
Finance Summary Club Financial Policy
  Club Budget Management Policy
  Cash Handling Policy
  Credit Card policy
  Club Financial Mgt Policy
  Club Financial Reporting Policy
  Club payment policy
Health and Safety UCC Student Activity - Safety Policy
  UCC Student Activity Health Declaration Form
Club Operations Clubs alcohol policy
  Clubs Anti-Bullying Policy
  UCC Child Protection Policy
  Gear Guidelines 24.25
  Clubs Mental Wellbeing Policy
  Club Social Media Policy
  Club Vehicle Use Policy
  UCC Web and Social Media Policy
  Travel Abroad Policy 24.25
Coaching  UCC Sport Coaches Policy Season 24.25
  Code of Conduct for Coaches
Associate Members  Link for club to apply for Associate Members

Club Planning and Forms

Key forms and processes for Club Planning and Reporting:

Section Detail
Clubs Plan Complete online the UCC Sport Clubs Plan 
Competitions Complete Spreadsheet with summary details of key events and activities and update results
Finances Budget for the year ahead. Submit applications for funding on the Clubs Portal
Training Attend annual training programme for all relevant officer


Student Forms and Injury Reporting

The summary forms which students may require are: 

Area Process Details 
Membership Membership Information

All you need to know about joining a club, signing up for an event and logging your attendance

Sport Representation Letter Note for missing classes

Individuals submit application for 'Sport Absent Form'  when missing classes for authorised competitive club events

Please complete this form to request an online Sport Absent Note from the UCC Department of Sport and Physical Activity. If a Club member is required to represent UCC in key competitions and be absent from a class/lecture, the Student can apply for a Sport Representation Letter to present details to the relevant lecturer. The final agreement to facilitate a student in this process rest with the relevant lecture.  A student should ensure they apply at the earliest opportunity and provide as much notice as is possible to allow the lecturer time to consider the application. The note does not guarantee a lecture will be recorded. This will be a matter for the lecturer to agree to.

Activity  Log attendance at activity Enter details at kiosk, use QR code or direct to webpage to log attendance 
Injury Reporting Injury reporting Form Personal Injury Form - Online form with details of injuries; submission of claims as required on 2nd part of form

Club Health & Safety Policies

The purpose of the UCC Student Activity Health and Safety Policy is to provide a framework for managing Health and Safety risks, which arise as a result of nonacademic, student led activity in University College Cork.



The aim of the policy is to prevent injury and ill health to students and everyone else impacted by student led activity; consequently, it is critically important for each student representation group (Clubs, Societies, Student’s Union, Executives, Student Life Project, etc) to identify hazards and minimize risks by taking effective preventive and protective measures. Safe practices will be secured by the manner laid out in the UCC Student Activity Health and Safety manual and the specific event plan and / or risk assessment for the activity.

Events and trips require a plan and risk assessment to be completed and approved before the event. 

Templates for event plans and risk assessments and a guide for risk assessment are given below.

For overnight trips, a health declaration should be completed by each of the travelling party. The declarations should be stored confidentially for the duration of the trip and either returned to the relevant travelling parties or destroyed immediately after returning from the trip.This is the responsibility of the trip organiser.


There are several roles within each club committee.  Depending on the size of the club and it's functions will determine the scope of personnell and responsibilites of each individual. 

For any UCC Sport Club to operate they are required to vote in a student committee every year to organise and run Club events. At a minimum the Club must have the following executive positions filled:

  • Captain/Chairperson
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Public Relations Officer


If one of the executive positions is not filled their roles and responsibilities revert to the captain/chairperson of the Club. Apart from these positions the remaining Club committee can be filled based on the requirements and activities of the Club. Some common committee positions that Clubs have include:


  • Vice-Captain/Vice-Chairperson
  • Gear/Equipment Officer
  • First Year Representative
  • Records Officer
  • Ordinary Committee Member


Ensuring a Club committee has enough people to share the workload fairly and prevent any one individual from becoming overloaded is an important goal to remember when establishing a committee. Training will be provided by the Clubs’ Executive for all executive committee members to ensure they have the knowledge required from the very start of the year to help with running their Club. All Club committee members are encouraged to reach out at any point during the year to any Clubs’ Executive member to ask for advice and guidance for any element of running a Club that causes problems. 



UCC Sport is committed to providing the support needed for each club to function effectively and safely.  Training is key to any succesful club.  We provide training to clubs for their committee members, support coaches in their training requirements as well as providing access to training via Sport Ireland or the Cork Sports Partnership.

For further information on any training please contact 


  1. Club Committee Training
    1. Captains Training
    2. Secretary Training
    3. Treasurer Training
    4. PRO Training
    5. Health & Safety Training
  2. Coaches Training
    1. First Aid Course
    2. Financial support for sport specific training courses
    3. Induction Training - new coaches 
  3. Sport Ireland and Cork Sports Partnership
    1. Safeguarding Training
    2. COVID 19 Course
    3. Cork Sports Partnership Education

Department of Sport & Physical Activity

Spórt UCC

Ferry Lodge, Mardyke Walk, T12 P282
