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Deputy President and Registrar News 2019

The Australian Ambassador to Ireland, H.E. Richard Andrews, was welcomed back to the University by Deputy President, Prof John O'Halloran this week.

30 May 2019
Pictured are (l-R) Jeremy Gault, UCC, MaREI Centre, Co-ordinator Marine and Coastal Systems, Prof Jerry Murphy, UCC, Co-Director MaREI Centre, Prof John O'Halloran, UCC Deputy President, H.E. Richard Andrews, Australian Ambassador to Ireland, Prof Sarah Culloty, UCC, ERI Director, Interim Head of College of SEFS.

During his visit he visited the ERI Beaufort Building, the Headquarters of the SFI MaREI Centre to discuss further potential areas for collaboration and build upon recent success that sees the MaREI Centre partnering in the Australian Blue Economy Co-operative Research Centre (BE-CRC), led by the University of Tasmania.

The Blue Economy CRC is a AUS$329 million research partnership is a 10-year collaboration commencing in July 2019 between 45 national and international partners from industry, research and government, underpinned by a AUS$70 million cash investment from the Federal Government, AUS$78 million cash investment and AUS$181 million in-kind investment from participants. The CRC includes broad industry participation across all 3 sectors of offshore engineering, aquaculture and marine renewable energy and in addition to Australian industry, government and research partners, includes partners from UCC in Ireland and from New Zealand, Chile, China, Singapore, Norway, Ireland, Belgium, France, Spain and the UK.

For more on this story contact:

Dr Sandra Irwin, Deputy President & Registrar's Office, 021 4904874 or 

Leas-Uachtarán agus Cláraitheoir/ Deputy President & Registrar

First Floor, West Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC, T12 YN60
