Deputy President and Registrar News 2019
Annual coffee morning takes place in new hub building
The first event to take place in the new hub building was the Annual Christmas Coffee Morning hosted by the Deputy President & Registrar.
There was a great turn out for this event on Wednesday December 11th to celebrate the start of the festive season. We were delighted to welcome so many friends and colleagues from across all of the departments in the Deputy President & Registrar's Functional Area to this annual event. The community gathered in the Dora Allman room on the top floor of the new hub building with panoramic views of the campus surroundings for tea, coffee and Christmas treats. In the week that many services begain relocating to the new hub building it was a wonderful opportunity for everyone to visit the new building before it opened for students. We are delighted to share some photos from the event below by Tomas Tyner UCC.
This year the event supported the Cork Penny Dinners Christmas Gift Appeal. A very special thank you to all who supported this very worthy cause on the day.
For more on this story contact:
Dr. Sandra Irwin, Deputy President & Registrar's Office, 021 4904874 or