Updates on the I-MORE project
Guillaume writes a few updates on the I-MORE project before the final straight line towards a publication
Since the last blog article about the I-MORE project, Guillaume has finalised the seismic mapping of the study area located in the Northern Irish Sea. During the exploration of the seismic dataset and along the description of the seismic units, geofeatures buried within sediments have been evidenced. These features includes mega-scale glacial lineations and meltwater channels, as well as iceberg scours evidenced at shallower depths below the seabed.
All these results have been presented on the 25th of May at the 2022 European Geoscience Union, during the GM6.10 Submarine Geomorphology session:
Michel, G., Coughlan, M., Emery, A., Arosio, R., and Wheeler, A.: Buried geomorphic features in the North-western Irish Sea: markers of the last glaciation and deglaciation episodes, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-4797,, 2022.
Attending in-person at EGU22 was a great occasion to share our results and discuss their meaning in terms of ice sheet advance and retreat. Notably, Guillaume had very interesting discussions with researchers from Sheffield University (UK) and Brighton University (UK) about their mapping of glacial features within the extent of the Fenno-Scandinavian ice sheet.
After EGU, Guillaume also attended the iGEO2022 symposium at Cork in early June, from the 9th to the 10th. On the 10th of June, this meeting was the occasion to present a poster and share the latest results about the I-MORE project and the early stage characterisation of potential pilot site identification for offshore windfarm development. The attendance of industrial partners and consultancy offices was the occasion to discuss the approach used within the framework of the I-MORE project, as well as discuss the impact of the project onto the characterisation of future offshore windfarm development sites.
A link to Guillaume's poster can be found by following this link