PhD student Luke O'Reilly's trip to Bremen, Germany.
This week, PhD student Luke O'Reilly from the UCC Marine Geology Research Group travelled to Bremen, Germany for the ECORD training course in MARUM. Luke explained the trip as an experience that "has given him a comprehensive insight into life aboard an IODP expedition".
An inside view of the Bremen Core Repository (BCR). This is one of the 3 IODP core storages worldwide, and is kept at 4°C to inhibit biological activity. Luke got a full guided tour of Bremen Core Repository (BCR), which included amazing cores such as these VMS deposits from the South Atlantic.
Above is a x40 view of sorted sand containing various Radiolaria species from a Subtropical setting off Lesser Antilles. Here, biostratigraphy was used on different intervals of the core, which then constructed a range chart. This functioned in pinpointing the Oligocene-Eocene boundary, using specific Radiolaria marker fossils.