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News Archive 2018

Book Launch by Dr Jonathan Evershed on Wednesday the 5th of September 2018

22 Aug 2018

You are invited to an event to mark the publication of


Ghosts of the Somme: Commemoration and Culture War in Northern Ireland


by Jonathan Evershed

(University of Notre Dame Press, 2018)


to be launched by

Dr Paul Burgess, Senior Lecturer, School of Applied Social Studies.


Wednesday 5 September, 5-7pm

CACSSS Seminar Room G27, O'Rahilly Building.


All welcome, and light refreshments will be served in the social area from 5:00 pm. 

Please RSVP by Friday, 31st August to (for catering purposes). 


Further information about the book are available at

Department of Government & Politics

Roinn Léann an Rialtais agus na Polaitíochta

2nd Floor, Block B, O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Republic of Ireland,
