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William Roche
Will Roche began his working career as an energy economist in Bord Gáis Éireann in 1980. He has 35 years’ experience operating in the energy sector, including 10 years as executive director of strategy and regulation at State Owned utility Ervia. He was a non-executive director of Gaslink, the Irish gas network operator from 2010 to 2014.
His interests include strategy, governance, economic regulation, and the politics and policy of energy and climate change. He was a member of the Minister for Energy’s working group on energy interconnectors, has presented to Oireachtas Committees on energy matters, and has acted as expert on Irish gas supply matters to the European Commission. Through the evolving liberalisation of energy markets, he has been direct dealings with governments and regulatory authorities in Ireland, Northern Ireland and the UK, and with the EU Commission on both legislative and regulatory matters.
He is member of the Irish Institute of Directors, and is a member of the board of the Mercy Hospital Foundation in Cork. He has a B.Comm (1980), and an MBS in International Public Policy and Diplomacy (2016) from UCC. He holds voluntary roles, including being group leader of the Blarney Scout Unit for the past 12 years!