News 2012
Cork to Toronto and Back Again

Dr Robert Healy, a postdoctoral researcher working in the Department of Chemistry and Environmental Research Institute, has been awarded a prestigious EU FP7 Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship worth €230,000 to pursue atmospheric research at the University of Toronto in Canada.
The International Outgoing Fellowship is an individual award which enables researchers to reinforce the international dimension of their career by giving them the opportunity to be trained at a world level research organisation outside Europe. This international experience is bolstered by a subsequent return phase at a host institution within Europe, where the newly developed skills can be applied.
The Fellowship provides a strong platform upon which to build a successful academic career. In this 3 year project, Dr Healy will spend 2 years working with Prof Greg Evans at the University of Toronto, and the third year working with Dr John Wenger at UCC. The research will be focused on the investigation of the chemical and optical properties of black carbon particles present in ambient air. These particles are emitted by combustion processes including traffic and are known to impact upon human health and global climate.
The results of this project are expected to provide new and important information on the sources and atmospheric processing of black carbon particles which can be used in air quality and climate modelling.