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Piaras MacEinri


Name: Piaras MacEinri


Role: Lecturer

Academic Unit: Geography, Institute for Social Studies in the 21st Century (ISS21)

Piaras MacEinri has undertaken teaching, research and publications in a wide variety of migration-related fields including emigration and immigration from an Irish perspective, refugee policy and integration issues and policies in Europe and elsewhere. One of three founder members of NASC, Irish Immigrant Support Centre, in 1999.

Thematic Expertise

Migration, Integration, Refugees, Geopolitics

Geographical Expertise

EU, Middle East

Relevant Projects

Emigre: First major representative national survey on emigration and return. IRC-funded, completed in 2013

Ymobility: Maximising opportunities for individuals, labour markets and regions in Europe

Committee member, Cork City of Sanctuary


Currently updating publications

Centre for Global Development
