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Dr Chiara Bonfiglioli


Name: Dr Chiara Bonfiglioli


Role: Lecturer

Academic Unit: Women's Studies (coordinator)

Chiara Bonfiglioli is a Lecturer in Gender & Women’s Studies at University College Cork, where she also coordinates the one-year interdisciplinary Masters in Women’s Studies.  She holds a BA in Political Sciences from the University of Bologna, and an MA and PhD from the Graduate Gender Programme at the University of Utrecht. Between 2012 and 2014, Chiara Bonfiglioli was a research fellow at the University of Edinburgh, within the framework of the CITSEE project (The Europeanisation of Citizenship in the Successor States of the Former Yugoslavia). Between 2015 and 2017, she worked as a NEWFELPRO post-doctoral fellow within the Centre for Cultural and Historical Research of Socialism (CKPIS), University of Pula, Croatia. In 2016/2017, Chiara Bonfiglioli was awarded an EURIAS Junior Fellowship at the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM), Vienna. Her research focuses on women's, gender and feminist history from a transnational and intersectional perspective.

Thematic Expertise

Gender Studies, Gender History, Transnational Women's and Feminist Movements

Geographical Expertise

Socialist Yugoslavia and post-Yugoslav states

Relevant Projects

In the past seven years Chiara Bonfiglioli has been researching gender and labour history in socialist Yugoslavia and in post-socialist, post-Yugoslav states with a specific focus on women’s work in the garment industry and their struggle against precarious labour conditions.


Chiara Bonfiglioli (2019) Women and Industry in the Balkans: The Rise and Fall of the Yugoslav Textile Sector. London: I.B. Tauris.

Chiara Bonfiglioli (2016) 'The first UN world conference on women (1975) as a cold war encounter: Recovering anti-imperialist, non-aligned and socialist genealogies'. Filozofija i Drustvo, 27 (3):521-541.

Chiara Bonfiglioli (2015) 'Gendered citizenship in the global European periphery: Textile workers in post-Yugoslav states'. Women's Studies International Forum (WSIF), 49 (March April):57-65.

Chiara Bonfiglioli (2014) 'Gender, labour and precarity in the South East European periphery: the case of textile workers in Å tip'. Contemporary Southeastern Europe (CSE), 1 (2):7-23.

Centre for Global Development
