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Student Discipline Panel and Committee

The Discipline Committee shall be comprised of members of the Discipline Panel approved by Academic Council at least every three years.

The Panel shall comprise the following:

    i. 4 nominations of Academic Council.
    ii. 2 nominations of the Executive Committee of the Students Union.
    iii. Dean of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies.
    iv. 1 nomination of the Director of Buildings & Estates.
    v. 1 nomination of the Corporate Secretary.

So far as is possible, the proposed Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of Discipline Panel should have relevant expertise including prior Committee membership. The Chairperson of Academic Council shall nominate a Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson from nominations under i, iii or iv above, subject to ratification at the next scheduled meeting of Academic Council. A Secretary shall also be appointed to support the Discipline Panel. So far as possible, membership of the Discipline Committee will be representative and will take into consideration equality representation such as gender balance.

The minimum number of members required for any meeting of the Discipline Committee will be three (3) and the minimum number required for any Discipline Committee Hearing shall be five (5) in both cases including either the Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson. For the avoidance of doubt, a meeting or hearing of the Discipline Committee may be held by teleconference or such other electronic means as is deemed appropriate by the Chair (or in their absence by the Deputy Chair).

The role of the Discipline Committee is to hear more serious alleged breaches of the Student Rules, whether referred to it by the Campus Watch Committee, or otherwise.

From time to time, the Discipline Committee may issue guidance upon student conduct or any other relevant matter in respect of the Student Rules.

Membership of the Student Discipline Panel

4 Nominations of Academic Council


Professor Deirdre Bennett

 Deputy Chair

Dr Frank Crowley


Professor Cathal O'Connell


Dr Paul Young

2 nominations of UCCSU Executive


SU President

Katie Halpin-Hill


SU Education Officer 

Alison NĂ­ Threasaigh 

Dean of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies

Professor Nuala Finnegan

1 nomination of Director of Buildings and Estates

Niamh McGettrick Cronin (Administrative Manager)

1 nomination of Corporate Secretary

Deirdre Cummins

 Membership list updated 08 October 2024


Academic Affairs and Governance

Gnothaí Acadúla agus Rialú
