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Accreditation is a voluntary activity initiated by an institution that requires a rigorous self-evaluation and an independent, objective appraisal of the overall educational quality by peers. Accreditation emphasises quality assurance and a commitment to continuous quality improvement and helps determine if an institution meets or exceeds minimum standards of quality. UCC has over 100 programmes that are reviewed for academic accreditation by external bodies. This accreditation results in full or part accreditation including:

  • Professional body accreditation
  • Statutory body accreditation
  • Programme fully recognised for exemptions in subsequent professional examinations
  • Programme recognised for partial exemptions in subsequent professional examinations
  • Recognised for entry to subsequent professional examinations

These programmes require a combination of some of all the following types of reviews: desk review, self-evaluation, site visit, criteria review and review by International/peer experts.

 Professional and Statutory body accreditation is another indication of the quality of UCC programme offerings. 

Register of Accredited Programmes

Academic Affairs and Governance

Gnothaí Acadúla agus Rialú
