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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Gender Identity

University College Cork is committed to equality and will aim to provide all staff and students with a positive working and learning environment free from discrimination, harassment or victimisation. The University recognises that there can be differences between physical sex and gender expression and identity. The University will not discriminate against people on the grounds of transgender or gender non-binary expression or identity. Additionally, the University will not discriminate against people on the grounds of any process of gender transition (social, physical, or medical) begun or completed.

This policy does not anticipate every situation that might occur with respect to transgender or non-binary gender staff/students, and the needs of each transgender or non-binary staff member/student must be assessed on a case– by-case basis. UCC’s Gender Identity and Expression Guidelines should also be read as a procedural support in conjunction with this policy.

Policy Title Last Review Date File
UCC Gender Expression & Identity Policy  30/10/2018 UCC Gender Expression and Identity Policy FL

Reasonable Accommodations

This policy is intended to ensure that students with disabilities/learning differences/significant ongoing health conditions may access a holistic learning experience on an equal footing to all members of the UCC community. This policy provides a framework for the provision of Reasonable Accommodations for students with disabilities/ learning differences/significant ongoing health conditions who have registered with Disability Support in UCC.

Policy Title Last Review Date File
Reasonable Accommodations Policy for Students with Disabilities 16/06/2023 Reasonable Accommodations Policy

Academic Affairs and Governance

Gnothaí Acadúla agus Rialú
