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Learning and Teaching Committee

General purpose:  A Standing Committee of Academic Council which is responsible for bringing forward strategy and policy in support of the University’s teaching and learning agenda and for advising on national and international good practice in these matters.  The Committee provides a general forum for debate on teaching and learning and for developing the University’s overall approach to assuring high quality research-informed teaching within the context of the University’s Strategic Plan.   

The Committee shall consult with relevant University Officers as appropriate in relation to specific items and issues of potential significant impact to the University (particularly in relation to resources). 

The Learning and Teaching Committee may seek the advice of the 3ELT working group (Existing and Emerging Educational and Learning Technologies) and the Library Advisory Group.

The Committee shall undertake any other appropriate duties or tasks assigned to it by Academic Board or Academic Council from time to time. 

Reports to:  Academic Board on matters concerning delegated authority and is advisory to Academic Council on policy matters within its remit. 

Terms of reference: 

1. Strategy and Policy

To bring forward for initial consideration by Academic Board:

a) Proposals for strategy and policy concerning teaching, learning, and assessment, and to facilitate widening participation and life-long learning at UCC as informed by national and international developments in these areas.
b) Learning and teaching recommendations in support of the University’s strategic Goal 2 for Student Success.
c) Proposals concerning the collection and use of student feedback on their learning experience.
d) Proposals for UCC action in response to national initiatives in learning and teaching and life-long learning, including proposals for good practice in recording student achievement in both experiential and certified learning.
e) Proposals for a programme of research in teaching and learning in higher education and to provide a forum for institutional debate on this and related matters.

2. Executive functions

Under delegated authority from Academic Council to:

a) Identify and disseminate good practice in teaching and learning and establish and promote good practice occurring nationally and internationally.
b) Consider the annual analysis of feedback from students on their learning experience and recommend action to Colleges, other committees or academic units as appropriate, or to take action as necessary in keeping with the Committee’s overall remit.

3. Oversight function

a) Promote the adoption of the University’s policies in teaching and learning, including mechanisms for effective staff and student engagement.
b) To keep under review issues relating to student academic misconduct to inform the Committee’s deliberations on good practice in assessment and curriculum design.
c) Receive and consider reports from the 3ELT working group periodically, as requested.
d) Evaluate overall performance and opportunities for enhancement of learning and teaching at UCC at regular intervals.

4. Other business as required

a) To submit to the Board minutes from each meeting of the Committee and to report on specific matters as requested.
b) To advise the Board and Council on such matters that the Board or Council may refer to the Committee from time to time.

Delegation of authority

The Learning and Teaching Committee retains the overall responsibilities defined in its terms of reference as approved by Council.  The Committee may establish working groups from time to time to assist in its work  The Committee may also establish working groups from time to time to assist in its work. Working groups shall operate in accordance with the procedures set down in the Academic Council Committee Handbook.  

Reserved Business

None approved by Academic Council.

Frequency of Meetings

The Committee shall meet up to 6 times per year or as directed by Academic Council.


Appointed by the President

Dr Olive McCarthy

Deputy Chair
Appointed by the Deputy President & Registrar 

Dr Dave Otway

Ex Officio:              


Vice President for Learning and Teaching   

Professor Paul McSweeney

Academic Secretary

Paul O’Donovan

Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching & Learning (CIRTL) Staff member nominated by the Vice President for Learning and Teaching

Dr Catherine O'Mahony and Dr Anna Santucci (in rotation)

Director of Student Experience (or nominee)

Mr Paul Moriarty

Director of Recruitment and Admissions (or nominee)


Chair 3ELT working group

Dr Dave Otway      

University Librarian (or nominee)

Ms Coral Black

Head, Office for Academic Programmes and Regulations

Ms Eleanor Fouhy 

Head, Student Records and Examinations Office

Ms Eleanor Fitzgerald

Director, Adult & Continuing Education or nominee

Ms Lyndsey El Amoud

Director, Quality Enhancement Unit (or nominee)

Ms Elizabeth Noonan

Disability Office

Ms Linda Doran

Head of Skills Centre

Ms Eadaoin Regan

Students' Union Education Officer

 Ms Alison Ní Threasaigh

Students' Union Postgraduate Office

 Mr Matthew Quill

1 academic staff member from each College with functional responsibility in this area


Dr David Fitzherald


Dr Catherine O'Sullivan


Dr Alan Morrison


Professor Mark McEntee

4 members of Academic Council nominated by Academic Council


Dr Siobhan Lucey


Dr Martina Scallan


Dr. Jenny Butler

 Mr. Michael Delargey

Co-opted members 

Up to 3 members approved by
Academic Council


Ms Mags Arnold


Ms Claire Fennell


Mr James Northridge

Committee Secretary
Office of Vice President for Learning and Teaching

Ms Mary O’Rourke

Approved by Academic Council 16 June 2023

Academic Affairs and Governance

Gnothaí Acadúla agus Rialú
