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Undergraduate Student Withdrawal Policy

Policy Operators: Admissions Office, Student Records and Examination Office, Fees Office, Colleges



The purpose of this policy is to:

  • Ensure that students who are thinking of withdrawing from their studies are provided with appropriate support and information before they make their final decision to   withdraw.
  • Support students and staff by clarifying the procedures for withdrawing.

In all cases it is the policy of the university to provide guidance and support to students so that they are aware of all their options should they want to return to third level education at a later stage.


Withdrawal is when a student leaves their programme of study and ends all activities associated with their registration. Students must notify the university of their intention to withdraw by completing the official UCC Withdrawal Form.

Retrospective Withdrawals
Retrospective withdrawals are not normally permitted. In exceptional circumstances, however, a retrospective withdrawal may be approved if there is sufficient evidence that the student:

  • has extenuating circumstances (serious illness, family bereavement)
  • has not engaged in programme activity, e.g. has not submitted course work, confirmed attendance.


First Year Students
If a first-year student is considering withdrawing from their programme of study, they should make an appointment with the First Year Experience Coordinator here before completing the First Year Withdrawal Form.
First Year students should submit their completed Withdrawal Form to the First Year Experience Coordinator.

Students beyond First Year should contact their College Office as per the email addresses provided on

Implications for withdrawing

Fees, grants and scholarships

Students who officially withdraw before 31 October of the year they enter will be refunded the full Student Contribution Fee of €3,000. The Student Capitation Fee will not be refunded.

  • If a student withdraws by 31 January, half the Student Contribution Fee of €1,500 will be refunded. The
    Student Capitation Fee will not be refunded.
  • Students may be liable for tuition fees when they return to Higher Education, depending on the date of their withdrawal.
  • The fee status of a student may be impacted if they do not officially notify the university of their withdrawal.
    •    For further information on fees visit .
  • Students in receipt of scholarships and external funding including grants who withdraw from their programme of study should consult the appropriate agency e.g., SUSI or the Scholarships & Prizes unit (email )

Eligibility for honours

  • For students withdrawing up to 31st January, registration and eligibility for honours in the following academic year will be treated as if it were the first registration for that programme year.
  • For students withdrawing after 31st January: such students will be requiredf to attend the full programme the following year, which will be treated as repeat registration (with respect to examinations and eligibility for honours) for that programme year. 
  • See

Student Status and registration

When a student notifies the university that they are withdrawing from their programme of study, their registration is terminated, and they are no longer a student at the university (effective from the date on which they formally submit the withdrawal notification to the appropriate office).

This means that students who have withdrawn from their programme of study are not entitled to use the facilities of the campus. This includes Student Counselling, Student Health, the Mardyke Sports Arena and the Library

Updated policy was noted by Academic Board 21-09-2022


First Year Withdrawal Form



Academic Affairs and Governance

Gnothaí Acadúla agus Rialú
