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ArcGIS Pro toolbox release: CoMMa v1.0

12 Oct 2023

The Marine Geoscience Group in collaboration with the British Geological Survey and University of Glasgow present a novel ArcGIS Pro toolbox. Confined Morphologies Mapping (CoMMa) Toolbox is an ArcGIS Pro toolbox created for semi-automated morphological mapping.

It includes a selection of tools for delineating and describing any type of enclosed features on a DEM, either negative or positive. The CoMMA toolbox includes three toolsets that allow the user to 1) data preparation of the DEM data and calculate local topographic parameters, 2) delineate potential features using the Delineation tools and 3) describe the morphological characteristics of confined features using the basic, texture and volume descriptors tools. The CoMMa Toolbox is made up of individual Python scripts that use a sequence of pre-existing ArcGIS geoprocessing tools and do not require the installation of any new Python package.

The CoMMa toolbox is comprised of three Python toolboxes, that can be loaded to an ArcGIS Pro project as any standard toolbox. To add the three CoMMa python toolboxes to a project, in the Catalog pane, right-click on Toolboxes and select "Add Toolbox" Then, navigate to the folder where CoMMa Toolbox was saved and select the following .pyt files:

  • CoMMa Data Preparation.pyt, CoMMa Delineation.pyt and CoMMa Description.pyt.

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Riccardo Arosio (University College Cork) and Joana Gafeira (British Geological Survey) conceived the original idea of the new ArcGIS Pro based on a previous toolbox created by Joana Gafeira, the BGS Seabed Mapping Toolbox (Gafeira, J., 2017). Riccardo Arosio wrote the Python scripts while Joana Gafeira wrote the support material and Laurence De Clippele performed extensive testing.

For more on this story contact:

Riccardo Arosio -

Joana Gafeira -


Marine Geosciences Research Group

University College Cork

School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, North Mall Campus, University College Cork, North Mall, Cork City, T23 TK30
