News 2012
Upcoming Events at Lough Hyne
Tue, 14 Aug 2012
This Saturday (18th August) as part of Heritage Week, the Lough Hyne research team will be hosting its annual touch tank event in the North shore car park at Lough Hyne from 11am to 1pm.
This is an opportunity for the general public to get "up close and personal" with some of the common animals inhabiting the nature reserve and learn a little about what's going on at Lough Hyne. This is the sixth year UCC have undertaken this event and it has become very popular and ties in with a number of other Heritage Week events going on at Lough Hyne on saturday. All welcome.
For more information on Heritage Week and events (including those at Lough Hyne), see the Heritage Week website.
Saturday 25th August we welcome 5 students from different US institutions and 2 staff from the Institute of Marine Biology in Oregon. This is part of an NSF funded grant initiative International Research Experience for Students (IRES) which has provided an open competition for graduate students from all over the US to come to Lough Hyne and UCC for a month to gain experience. They will be undertaking a number of projects and learning a host of sampling and identification skills whilst here as well as visiting UCC later in September. This IRES programme will be ongoing for the next three years and is a collabioration between Dr Cynthia Trowbridge, Dr Colin Little and Dr Rob McAllen.
Learn more about Lough Hyne here