News from the School of BEES
Heritage Week Touch Tank event run by the Lough Hyne research team from School of BEES
UCC researchers awarded over €2 million in European funding to train highly skilled doctoral students
New relatives of the cacao tree uncovered
Two BEES academics elected to the Royal Irish Academy
Undergraduate Courses in BEES
With an internationally recognised culture of equality, inclusion and diversity, the School of BEES welcomes applications from all students through traditional (CAO) and non-traditional (DARE, HEAR, Mature Student, International Student) entry routes.
Postgraduate Degree Courses
The School of BEES provide postgraduate opportunites through a number of Taught Masters (MSc) Degrees, Research Masters (MRes) Degrees, Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert) and Diplomas (PGDip) and PhD Degrees.