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News 2011

First Graduates for International Field Geosciences

Thu, 22 Sep 2011

IFG Graduates 2011 On Thursday, the 8th of September 2011, the first four graduates of the Joint BSc degree in were awarded their degrees at UCC. 

This degree, the first of its type in the University, is jointly awarded by UCC and the University of Montana. The program utilises the superb natural field geoscience laboratories available in Europe and the western United States as the basis for a Joint Bachelor of Science degree that focuses on the documentation, interpretation, and synthesis of critical geological issues in the field.

The core curriculum is similar to that required for the existing BSc Geology at UCC except the third year is spent abroad at The University of Montana while 15 credits are taken at the University of Potsdam at the start the fourth year. Students are additionally required to complete 10 credits of German language in their second year at UCC. Student mobility is currently funded by an EU/US ATLANTIS award and is co-ordinated by Dr. Pat Meere of the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences.


Image: The new BSc IFG graduates (from left to right) Loretta Corcoran, Noelle Crimmins, Kathleen Nolan and  Joanne Mackey.


BSc IFG Students studying a Cretaceous sedimentary sequence at Sun River, Montana, with the Rocky Mountain Front in the background. 

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