News 2011
BEES Jellyfish Research on TV
Tue, 12 Apr 2011
BEES researchers Thomas Bastian, Damien Haberlin and Mary Gallaher will appear on RTE television this evening (Tuesday 12th April 2011) as part of a documentary on their work on the EcoJel project.
The documentary is part of the excellent ‘Living the Wildlife’ series by Colin Stafford-Johnson and will air on RTE One on Tuesday at 7pm.
For more details, see the BEES Research Blog.
BEES Jellyfish research has also been published in scientific journals recently:
Emily Baxter has just had her recent experimental work on the effects of the common jellyfish Aurelia aurita on Atlantic Salmon published in PLos One.
The research was published in a paper entitled Gill Damage to Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Caused by the Common Jellyfish (Aurelia aurita) under Experimental Challenge.
The research demonstrates that common jellyfish can cause severe gill problems in marine-farmed fish. “With aquaculture predicted to expand worldwide and evidence suggesting that jellyfish populations are increasing in some areas, this threat to aquaculture is of rising concern as significant losses due to jellyfish could be expected to increase in the future”.
More details on this recent publication can also be found on the BEES Research Blog.