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Glossary of Terms



All Users

“All Users” covers Staff, Students, and Other Users, as defined below.

Data Custodian

“Data Custodian” means an internal University service (eg, IT Services), team, or individual to which records or data are entrusted on behalf of the Data Controller (the University) or a Data Owner for the purposes of storage and/or processing.

Data Owner

“Data Owner” ordinarily means the most senior person in the functional area within which the data is created or stored unless this role has been explicitly and formally delegated to someone else by the most senior person in the aforementioned areas. The Data Owner for each records series is set out in records retention schedules.

Data Processor

“Data Processor” means a person who processes personal data on behalf of a data controller but does not include an employee of a data controller who processes such data in the course of his or her employment. This includes, eg, service providers storing or hosting records or data.

Data Processors, as external third parties processing University records and data on behalf of the University (the data controller), are subject to the University's Data Protection Policy and Data Hosting Policies.

Functional Area

“Functional Area” means area of University operations ordinarily headed by a member of the University Management Team, specifically the Vice-Presidents, Heads of Colleges, the Bursar, the Corporate Secretary, and senior Directors, as set out in the University’s organisational structure.

Heads of Functional Areas

“Heads of Functional Areas” are ordinarily members of the University Management Team (UMT) and are the most senior person in their functional areas, as set out in the University’s organisational structure.

Other Users

“Other Users” covers third parties (all the University’s subsidiary companies, contractors, service providers, visitors and/or any other parties) who process records created in the course of the University’s activities, parties to whom such data is disclosed (recipients), and all persons who are granted access to the University’s IT Resources.


“Policy” means the Records Management Policy

Records Retention Schedule ("RRS")

Control document that defines the length of retention and the disposition actions that are authorised for specified records, grouped into records series. The University’s retention schedules include a business classification scheme, linking records to the context of their creation, and other supporting information, including the Data Owner and access classification for each records series.


“Staff” means all full-time and part-time employees of the University, staff funded externally but under contract to the University, including seconded staff, and researchers under contract to the University.


“Students” means all full-time and part-time registered students of the University.


“The University” means University College Cork – National University of Ireland, Cork

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