It's great to be presenting again!
The crew embarked on a European tour!
After a long and quite frankly demoralising time of trying to share ideas and network through on-line conferences it has been a relief and pleasure to be able to meet back in person again. The experience is so much more rewarding with greater feedback, greater impact and greater networking than possible on-line. I don’t know what you think but I certainly feel that there is no substitute for in person meetings when the content matters and if you want to network to seek new opportunities for research. The carbon footprint however is the elephant in the room!
Myself, Audrey, Felix, Ger, Larissa and Riccardo presented at GeoHab 2022 (Marine Geological and Biological Mapping) in Venice:
- Arosio, R., Hobley, B., Wheeler, A.J., Lim, A., Sacchetti, F., Conti, L.A., Furey, T. (2022). Fully convolutional neutral networks applied to marine geomorphology mapping on the Irish continental shelf deliver satisfactory results for a modest effort. Geohab 2022: Marine Geological and Biological Mapping, Venice. Oral Presentation
- Butschek, F., Appah, J. & Wheeler, A.J. (2022). Mapping local and species contributions to beta diversity n the Porcupone Bank Canyon, Ireland Geohab 2022: Marine Geological and Biological Mapping, Venice. Poster Presentation
- Butschek, F., Arosio, R., Furey, T & Wheeler, A. (2022). ABC Celtic Sea Project: Acoustic Seabed Characterisation and Habitat Association in the Celtic Sea. Geohab 2022: Marine Geological and Biological Mapping, Venice. Poster Presentation
- De Oliviera, L.M.C., Lim, A., Conti, L.A., Wheeler, A.J. (2022). 3D photogrammetric classification of cold-water coral reefs with machine learning - preliminary results on Piddington Mound, NE Atlantic. Geohab 2022: Marine Geological and Biological Mapping, Venice. Oral presentation
- Recouvreur, A., Wheeler, A.J., Strachen, R., Meere, P., Unitt, R.P. & Lim, A. (2022). Offshore bedrock mapping: applications for regional outcrop and potential reef habitat mapping on the Irish Continental Margin. Geohab 2022: Marine Geological and Biological Mapping, Venice. Poster Presentation
- Summers, G., Lim, A. & Wheeler, A.j. (2022). A geomorphological object-based image analysis approach investigating the hydrodynamics surrounding cold-water coral mounds Geohab 2022: Marine Geological and Biological Mapping, Venice. Oral Presentation
Followed by myself, Alicia, Audrey and Guillaume and EGU General Assembly 2022 in Vienna:
- Cardenas, A.M., Wheeler, A., 7 Lim, A. (2022). Monitoring microplastics and their associated chemicals in the Irish deep water Special Area of Conservation. EGU General Assembly 2022, 3rd-8th April, Vienna. Oral presentation.
- Michel, G., Coughlan, M., Emery, A., Arosio, R., and Wheeler, A.: Buried geomorphic features in the North-western Irish Sea: markers of the last glaciation and deglaciation episodes, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-4797,, 2022.
- Recouvreur, A., Wheeler, A., Strachan, R., Meere, P., Unitt, R., and Lim, A.: Probability mapping for bedrock occurrence on the Irish Continental Margin: Applications for regional bedrock outcrop and habitat mapping, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7461,, 2022
Here's to the end of COVID