- English
- About the Department
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- School Welcome Event 2016
- Edmund Spenser in Cork - School of English UCC
- Mary Breen: Pride and Prejudice
- MA in Irish Writing and Film
- Ann Coughlan: The Irish Influence on America's Greatest Abolitionist
- MA in Modernities: Romanticism, Modernism, Postmodernism
- MA in American Literature and Film
- MA in English Texts and Contexts: Medieval to Renaissance
- PhD in English
- Prof. Claire Connolly
- Tonio Colona - PhD in the School of English, UCC
- Prof Patricia Coughlan
- Mike Waldron - PhD in the School of English
- Ken Rooney and Heather Laird Book Launch
- School Welcome Event September 2014
- Contemporary American Trauma Narratives Book Launch
- Staged Transgressions in Shakespeare's England
- Seamus Heaney Memorial Event September 2013
- Creative Writing
- Current Students
- Student Achievements
- Research Seminar Series, Autumn 2024
- Digital Humanities
- Creative Writing
Gender, Sexuality and Culture

All Welcome
10.30am Coffee, CACSSS Meeting Room, Ground Floor, ORBBuilding
11am Welcome, CACSSS Seminar Room : Prof Claire Connolly, School of English, UCC
11.00 am-12.30pm Session I – Gender and Place in Irish Culture
Chair: Dr Lee Jenkins , School of English , UCC
- Prof Máire Herbert, Early and Medeival Irish, School of Irish Learning, UCC: ‘An Irish Manuscript Linked with Kilcrea’
- Dr Ruth Connolly, School of English Literataure, Language and Linguistics, Newcastle University: 'Mapping Space and Bodies in the Poetry of Hester Pulter'
- Dr Pat Palmer, Department of English, Kings College London:‘Flirting with Sappho: Warrior Women and the Elizabethan Conquest of Ireland’
12.30-1.15pm Lunch (Staff Restaurant)
1.30pm-3.00pm Session II – Irish Writing from New Woman Fiction to Modernism: Forms of Experience
Chair: Dr Clíona Ó Gallchoir, School of English, UCC
- Prof Anne Fogarty, School of English, Drama and Film, UCD: ‘ ' The odour of ashpits and old weeds and offal ' : The Transmission of Affects in Joyce's Dubliners’
- Dr Ellen McWilliams, Department of English, University of Exeter: ‘Celebrity, Harper’s Bazaar, and the Writing of Maeve Brennan’
- Dr Tina O’Toole, School of Languages, Literature, Culture and Communication, UL: 'Migrant Intimacies: George Egerton’s Decadent Marriage Plot'
3.00 pm-5.00 pm Session III – Conceptualising Irish Culture
Chair: Dr Piaras MacÉinrí, Department of Geography, UCC
- Prof Angela Bourke, School of Irish, Celtic Studies, Irish Folklore and Linguistics, UCD: 'Four Women in West Kerry, 1892'
- Prof Lucy McDiarmid, Department of English, Montclair State University: 'Elsie Mahaffy's Counter-revolutionary Hospitality'
- Dr Moynagh Sullivan, Department of English, NUIM: ‘Psychoanalysis and Aesthetics’
- Dr Linda Connolly, Department of Sociology and ISS21, UCC: ‘Feminism, Irish Studies and Social Change’
5pm: Reception, Staff Common Room
If you have any queries, contact one of the organisers: l.connolly@ucc.ie, claireconnolly@ucc.ie orp.maceinri@ucc.ie