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Fixed-Term Lectureship in Old English

Fixed Term Part-time (40%) Appointment of 12 Months Duration (IRC New Horizons funded post)
UCC wishes to appoint an experienced academic to the role of Lecturer. Reporting to the Head of the School of English, the Lecturer in Old English will have an expertise in Old English language and literature evidenced by a doctorate in a relevant area and an emerging or established publication record. S/he will have a demonstrated ability to teach Old English language at undergraduate level, as well as Old English literature (both poetry and prose) in the original, and Old Norse-Icelandic poetry (including Eddic poetry) in translation. S/he will be required to convene the second-year module ‘An Introduction to Old English Language’ as well as delivering introductory lectures on Beowulf and its contexts to a large first-year cohort. S/he will also be required to deliver a third-year seminar on Old Norse poetry, to teach and assess the Old English strand of the Texts and Contexts: Medieval to Renaissance MA, and to supervise MA theses. In addition to teaching, the successful candidate will maintain a commitment to producing high quality scholarship in the field of Old English literature. The successful candidate will be expected to participate as appropriate in the normal administrative work of the School.
Candidates should apply, in confidence, before 5pm on 23 November 2015, by emailing a completed application form to a.davis@ucc.ie
Further details are available here.