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- Ann Coughlan: The Irish Influence on America's Greatest Abolitionist
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- Prof. Claire Connolly
- Tonio Colona - PhD in the School of English, UCC
- Prof Patricia Coughlan
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Colleague Eibhear Walshe to give a lecture on Wilde and Ireland as part of the 'Irish Tuesdays' at the Sorbonne

17 October, 17h30 at Maison de la Recherche, 6 rue des Irlandais, Paris
Our colleague Eibhear Walshe is artist in Residence at the Centre Culturel Irlandais in Paris at the moment and will be giving a lecture on Wilde and Ireland as part of the 'Irish Tuesdays' at the Sorbonne.
Le groupe de recherche en Etudes Irlandaises (EA Prismes)
a le plaisir à vous inviter à notre première conférence ‘Irish Tuesdays’ de l’année 2017-18
‘A Wilde Shaped Silence- Wilde and Ireland ?’
Eibhear Walshe
Salle Prismes
17h30-19h le 17 octobre, 2017
Maison de la Recherche,
6 rue des Irlandais,
75005 Paris