News 2016
Ed Jarvis wins teaching award for excellence in teaching and learning
Dr Ed Jarvis of the School of BEES has won the College of SEFS student-nominated staff teaching award for excellence in teaching and learning.
Award recipients were selected anonymously by the College of SEFS Teaching Learning & Student Experience (TLSE) Committee following a two stage process organised through the College of SEFS Office, whereby SEFS students were initially invited to nominate lecturers they deemed worthy of the award from which an initial shortlist was drawn, followed by a second stage whereby (other) students taking modules of lecturers on the shortlist were randomly selected and invited to provide additional feedback.
Prof. Paul Ross, Head of College of SEFS said that the TSLE committee was "hugely impressed by the incredibly high esteem that all shortlisted candidates were held by their students, as well as the clear evidence of excellence in teaching and staff application across the College.
"I would like to congratulate all who were recognised for their excellence in teaching, and sincerely thank them for their ongoing input and dedication towards the education of our students.", said Prof. Ross.
Student comments regarding Dr Ed Jarvis include:
“He strives to ensure every student in the class is able to understand, and therefore learn, the material he is tasked with teaching, furthering the academic prowess and confidence of those who are fortunate enough to experience his tutelage.”
“He is an extremely helpful lecturer who is always extremely kind. His lectures are continuously interesting and fun. Outside of class as well as in class he always has a smile on his face and will always greet students with a smile and a kind word.”
“Fantastic ability to capture the class's attention and delivers his lectures excellently.”
The award has been presented since 2011, with the School of BEES winning three out of the five years. Prof. Peter Jones won the award in 2010/11 and Dr Tom Kelly won in 2011/12.
Runners up this year include Dr Pádraig Cantillon-Murphy, School of Engineering – Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Dr Úna Ní Chaoimh, Dept. of Geography.