News 2016
BEES’ contribution to Learning Neighbourhoods recognised at Cork City Hall ceremony.
Dr Maria McNamara of the School of BEES was among a number of UCC lecturers whose contribution to the Learning Neighbourhoods programme was recognised in a ceremony at Cork City Hall last week.
Maria delivered an exciting interactive lecture involving bubbles, balloons, CDs, a washing line and a loaf of bread (and many volunteers) to a packed Aula Maxima audience of children and adults from Knocknaheeny and Ballyphenane earlier this year. The Learning Neighbourhoods Programme aims to build a culture of lifelong learning across Cork to foster social inclusion and active participation in education.
The ceremony at Cork City Hall was presided by the Lord Mayor of Cork Des Cahill and recognised the achievements of the diverse community leaders and activists and programme staff responsible for the success of the initiative, in addition to launching a photographic exhibition of local community members.