News 2015
Call for abstracts for All Ireland Mammal Symposium 2015 begins today

AIMS 2015 will be held in UCC on November 7th and 8th, 2015.
The School of BEES and The Mammal Society, UK invite submissions of abstracts for poster or oral presentations on research or projects that have been done in Ireland or elsewhere relating to the themes of AIMS 2015. The objectives of AIMS 2015 are to
- promote awareness of the status of mammals on the island of Ireland
- examine evidence for key drivers of mammalian biodiversity
- explore management issues relating to mammal species and their habitats
- discuss the implications of the national and EU regulatory framework relating to mammals
AIMS 2015 will encourage growth in positive public attitudes to our mammalian wildlife heritage, continue to nurture long term links amongst state agencies and third level institutes, while allowing access for all those involved in mammal ecology and management in the wider community.
You can find out more about the conference and abstract submission on the AIMS 2015 website
If you would like to attend please register here
Further questions? Contact