News 2011
BEES Academic to give Public Lecture
Tue, 25 Jan 2011
The Head of the School of BEES, Prof. John O'Halloran will give a public lecture on Wednesday 2nd February @ 8pm in Boole 2, University College Cork.
The lecture, entitled Tracking Birds: from Individuals to Populations is part of the highly successful Annual Public Lecture Series organised by the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science at the university which runs from January to March on Wednesday evenings.
Tracking populations of birds has attracted the attention of both amateurs and professional ornithologists for decades. Knowledge of bird species relies on data collection both by professionals and 'citizen science'.
The presentation will consider the populations of some of Ireland's common and not so common, bird species: their populations and biology. Particular attention will focus on swans, swallows and dippers.
The lecture, along with all lectures in the series is FREE and ALL ARE WELCOME.