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News 2011

2011 ERI Researcher of the Year

Tue, 25 Oct 2011

ERI Award 2011 UCC’s Environmental Research Institute (ERI) announced the Postdoctoral and PhD Researchers of the Year at the recent 2011 ERI Research Open Day.  Dr Tom Doyle, Coastal & Marine Resources Centre (CMRC) was the winner of the Postdoctoral Researcher of the Year while the PhD Researcher of the Year went to Ms Emily Baxter, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences & CMRC.

The ERI Researcher of the Year award recognises researchers that, through their original work, have made a substantial contribution to environmental, energy and marine research in UCC. Dr Tom Doyle received the award for the EcoJel project which aims to identify and manage the opportunities and detrimental impacts of jellyfish in the Irish Sea.  The project found that jellyfish abundance has increased in the Irish Sea and may now play an increasingly important role in the ecosystem; as a result of the project Dr Doyle was invited to address the European Parliament’s Intergroup Seas and Coastal Affairs on the rise of jellyfish and how this increase will impact on Europe’s economy.

Ms Emily Baxter received the award for her PhD research work on “Gelatinous zooplankton in Irish waters: ecology and role in the gill disorders of marine-farmed salmon” (supervised by Dr Rob McAllen and Dr Tom Doyle).  The project found that problems with gill disorders in marine-farmed finfish appear to be increasing through the intensification of aquaculture operations in coastal areas worldwide. Ms Baxter has recently taken up a postdoctoral with the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in Barcelona, Spain.

This was the first year that the Institute has granted an award for Postdoctoral and PhD Researchers of the Year.  The aim of the competition is to highlight the efforts and commitment of researchers who are advancing the knowledge in their area of expertise and who promote continued excellence in research at ERI and UCC. Prizes were presented by Professor Patrick Fitzpatrick, Head, College of Science, Engineering & Food Science.

Pictured at ERI Research of the Year Awards (L to R): Dr Rob McAllen (accepting prize on behalf of ERI PhD Researcher of Year, Ms Emily Baxter), Professor Patrick Fitzpatrick (Head of College of Science, Engineering and Food Science) and Dr Tom Doyle (winner of ERI Postdoctoral Researcher of the Year). 

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School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences

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