Programme Overview
Programme Overview
![Programme Overview Programme Overview](/en/media/academic/medicineandhealth/images/Abouttheprogramme.jpg)
Year One
In Year 1, you will learn the basic sciences – Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry – these sciences are the foundations of Medicine and underpin the practice of Medicine. You will learn Anatomy in the world-renowned FLAME Anatomy lab. You will also learn about professionalism, medical ethics, Medicine and Society, Public Health and professionalism. In Clinical Science and Practice, you will learn clinical skills including taking a medical history and how to do a clinical examination. You will also choose an elective module of your choice.
Year Two
In Year 2, you will continue the basic sciences and clinical skills (this year focuses on Neurology and Renal Medicine). You will learn more about societal and ethical issues and will have your first patient contact in the Family Attachment Scheme in General Practice. You will also choose a student-selected module in an area of interest to you.
Year Three
In Year 3, you make the transition to clinical medicine and spend a lot of time on clinical placement in our nearby teaching hospitals. You also spend four weeks in General Practice.
In Year 3, you learn about research methods and begin your research project. Teaching includes case-based small group learning and students also learn procedural skills (taking blood, putting up an intra-venous line, airway management). You also study Pathology and Pharmacology. You continue to learn about ethical, legal, professionalism and societal issues and also choose an elective module of your choice.
Year Four
In Year 4, you spend most of the year in the teaching hospitals – rotations include Medicine, Surgery, Psychiatry, and Ophthalmology. You also gain further experience in General Practice. During the summer of Year 4, students do a hospital elective either in Ireland or abroad. Each year, fourth-year students from UCC travel to Africa on the Surgeon Noonan Programme.
Year Five
In the final year of the programme, the focus is on clinical teaching and you spend time in all the major specialities. You complete and present your Final Year research project and you will take a specific Prepardeness for Practice module to prepare you for your transition to practice.
Teaching is mainly bedside small group teaching.
Medicine Programme Key Features