News and Events
First JCOERE project meeting held in Cork
The First Project Meeting of the JCOERE project was held on 14th November 2018 at University College Cork (UCC), gathering an international team from the School of Law at UCC, Ireland, the University of Florence, Italy, Titu Maiorescu University, Bucharest, Romania, and the European network of insolvency and economic recovery professionals, INSOL Europe.
Team members from the School of Law at UCC included the Project Leader/Coordinator Professor Irene Lynch Fannon and Dr Jennifer Gant – JCOERE Post-Doctoral Research Fellow; Dr Andrea Zorzi and Professor Lorenzo Stanghellini attended from Universita degli Studi Firenze; from Titu Maiorescu University Judge Nicoleta Mirela Nastase attended and INSOL Europe was represented by Dr Paul Omar – INSOL Europe Technical Research Coordinator. The following members of the Project Advisory Board were also present:-
- Jane Marshall – Solicitor, Adjunct Professor, UCC
- Declan Walsh – School of Law UCC
- Dr Emilie Ghio – Birmingham City University
- Professor Gerry McCormack – University of Leeds
The meeting was also supported by Research Assistant Administrator, School of Law, UCC Deirdre Kelleher and the Research Manager, College of Business and Law, UCC Dr Sean Lucey.
A very full and detailed discussion of the Project plan and deliverables took place over a full day with considerable input from all of those present regarding particular aspects of the project. In particular, the following matters were discussed:-
- The hiring of the team to add to initial members.
- The next full team meeting in Florence in May 2019.
- Dissemination meetings in Copenhagen in September 2019. Other meetings were considered but the project is focussing on the INSOL Europe Annual Conference in Copenhagen.
- Judicial meetings in Sorrento in September 2020.
- We then proceeded to grapple with the substantive elements of the project which will be the subject matter of the Report to be produced for September 2019.
- Following that we discussed existing guidelines which will be part of a second report in the second year of the project.
- We discussed dissemination ideas which will be further discussed in Florence.
The JCOERE project is funded by the European Union’s Justice Programme (2014-2020). Project 800807.