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5 Nov 2020
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Acknowledgments and Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Judicial Co-Operation and Economic Recovery in Europe (JCOERE) Report 2: Introduction
Chapter 2: Court-to-court and Judicial Co-Operation in the European Union
Chapter 3: Potential Obstacles to Court-to-court Co-operation in Preventive Restructuring Cases
Chapter 4: Influences of Judicial and Legal Culture in Europe
Chapter 5: Judicial Co-Operation in Restructuring Processes
Chapter 6: Survey of Frameworks and Best-Practice Guidelines for Judicial Co-operation
Chapter 7: Comparative Analysis of Co-operation in Other Federalised Systems: The United States
Chapter 8: JCOERE Focus Group Survey on Judicial Co-operation Guidelines Awareness, Use, and Recommendations
Chapter 9: Reflections, Conclusions, and Recommendations of the JCOERE Project
Report 2 Annexes and Bibliography
Professor Irene Lynch Fannon, School of Law, University College Cork, Cork, IRELAND , T12 CC79