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Green Campus Podcast Episode 4 with UCC Student Timothy McGrath

21 Dec 2021

The 4th installment of the UCC Green Campus podcast is now available where we talk to UCC student Timothy McGrath. 

It is available to listen to on Spotify and Apple Podcasts at the below links.

Timothy talks about how he first got interested in sustainability and the environment. He talks about his role in Enactas, using the power of entrepreneurial action. He moves on to talk about how precious plastics globally and in UCC are helping to reduce plastic waste, through recycling, biodegradable materials and zero waste lifestyles. He talks about how there is now a UCC precious plastics workshop to start making products from rulers to coasters.

Following on from this Timothy talks about setting up ReFRAME where they will be reusing plastic to make skateboards, longboards and moving up to bicycles. He finishes by talking about making UCC a recycling hub and how education and community involvement is key to dealing with the problem of plastic waste.

Green Campus

University College Cork, College Road, Cork T12 YN60,
