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Commuting and Business Travel

Sustainability in the transport sector is essential to achieving at least two of the UN SDGs (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals). As an urban campus UCC must engage with Cork City and County Council to drive for greater sustainability within our region.

Aware of the sustainability implications of its ca. 18,000 students and 2,500 staff commuting to the University, UCC has developed a comprehensive Commuter Plan. Led by a dedicated Commuter Plan Manager, this plan provides for active car park management and for alternative modes of travel to be systematically addressed, facilitated and promoted. This includes initiatives such as: free University Park + Ride system, enhanced public transport links; cycling facilities; dedicated parking for car-pooling; walking routes.

The plan is updated and informed by regular commuting surveys. Staff are encouraged and incentivised to use public transport for business travel wherever possible (e.g., costs for travel to Dublin, served by regular train service are only refunded at regular train fare). Alternatives to travel such as videoconferences are facilitated and promoted by the University – staff are encouraged to minimise travel and/or the negative impacts thereof.

Click on the links below to find out about commuting and business travel at UCC.

Green Campus

University College Cork, College Road, Cork T12 YN60,
