Health and Safety
Safety Induction
The purpose of these induction documents is to provide all staff and postgraduate students with introductory health and safety information for the School and information on university safety policy and procedures.
All current staff must read the induction document and complete the induction record. All staff are also required to:
- Complete online fire and VDU safety training. Training courses may be accessed through the Health and Safety Office - Training
- Complete a VDU Risk Assessment Checklist
Academics and PIs are required to disseminate the postgraduate safety induction document to postgraduate students under their supervision and keep a local record of induction. General induction sessions can be arranged as required.
Staff Safety Induction Document
Appendices to induction documents
Travel within Ireland Risk Assessment
Foreign Travel 1 Risk Assessment
Foreign Travel 2 Risk Assessment
Note: The travel risk assessment forms are suitable for academic travel (e.g., visits to academic institutions, conferences, project meetings, work placement visits). The Health and Safety Office Travel Risk Assessment Form must be used if travel involves fieldwork, recreational activities or travel to remote areas.