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- Ann Coughlan: The Irish Influence on America's Greatest Abolitionist
- MA in Modernities: Romanticism, Modernism, Postmodernism
- MA in American Literature and Film
- MA in English Texts and Contexts: Medieval to Renaissance
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- Prof. Claire Connolly
- Tonio Colona - PhD in the School of English, UCC
- Prof Patricia Coughlan
- Mike Waldron - PhD in the School of English
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School Events for Shakespeare 400
Dr Edel Semple and Dr Ger Fitzgibbon both to deliver public lectures
With Shakespeare 400 events taking place across Ireland this year, the School of English is proud to begin the celebrations in Cork with a series of public lectures on Shakespeare this Spring. On Tuesday 12th April, Dr Edel Semple gave an introductory lecture on Shakespeare to the general public, from primary school children to local retired groups. The lecture in UCC's Aula Maxima was part of Cork's Lifelong Learning Festival and it will be repeated as part of the Learning Neighbourhood initiative in Knocknaheeney Library on April 26th.
On Tuesday April 26th, Dr Ger Fitzgibbon will deliver a public lecture on "Shakespeare, O'Casey and 'the Nature of an Insurrection'" exploring Shakespeare's influence on O'Caseys drama and his impact on the wider cultural landscape of Ireland during the Easter Rising and the War of Independence. The lecture takes place at 6pm in the Council Room, on the Quad. All are welcome.
Further Shakespeare 400 events will take place in the Autumn and Winter, please see School of English News and follow us on social media for further details. Information on all the events taking place for Shakespeare 400 across Ireland can be found on the 'Shakespeare in Ireland' blog at: https://shakespeareinireland.wordpress.com/ and on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/shakesinireland