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Welcome from the Head of College

As Head of College it is my very great pleasure to welcome you to our webpages, where I hope you will find lots of useful and stimulating information about the diverse and broad College that is the College of Arts Celtic Studies & Social Sciences. We are most anxious that these pages provide you with the information you need, whether as a prospective student, current undergraduate or postgraduate or indeed someone contemplating studying for our evening Certificate in Arts or returning to education as a mature student. If you are a visiting student from abroad or someone looking to spend time as an academic visitor in one of our schools we hope it will also give you an appreciation of the campus and the breath and beauty of the environment it offers both intellectually and physically. Our intake of students in the College is a diverse one, making it an exciting and stimulating environment in which to study and work. It provides opportunities for engagement with committed and research active faculty, in the creative world that is Cork, replete with opportunities for appreciation of the work of those practising art in the community, as well as hosting within the University important archives such as the Frank O’Connor archive which renders the University and the College a destination of choice for scholars worldwide.

Graduates from the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences make significant contributions to our society, culture and economy.  The cultural and intellectual enrichment derived from the process of your learning will extend out to your contributions, significant and subtle, to your future work environment, community, and culture.  Your creativity, clarity of thought and communication will be widely appreciated by employers and colleagues into the future. 

This is a precious time in your lives whether as a first year or doctoral student. We look forward to assisting you and joining you in that journey of discovery and intellectual excitement. We trust that you will find both the pages we have specifically designed for incoming first years, or those relating to the categories of research and graduate study useful, and look forward to your feedback and engaging with you on what might be of interest to you relating to the College. Welcome to the world of the College of Arts Celtic Studies and Social Sciences-there is a lot for you to discover.


Cathal OConnell headshot

Professor Cathal O'Connell

Interim Head College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences


College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences

Coláiste na nEalaíon, an Léinn Cheiltigh agus na nEolaíochtaí Sóisialta

College Office, Room G31 ,Ground Floor, Block B, O'Rahilly Building, UCC
