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Incoming Healthcare Students

Vaccination and Screening of Healthcare Students

Infectious Disease Screening of incoming students

Students* on certain courses with a placement in a clinical setting are subject to the UCC ID Screening and Immunisation Policy.

Incoming students on certain courses must attend UCC Student Health Department for Infectious Disease Clearance. 

Infectious Diseases Screening and Immunisation and BBV Policy

*The School of Nursing and Midwifery is subject to HSE Occupational Health policy and procedures.

Important information about our Infectious Disease Screening procedures

  1. Get your vaccination records ASAP – In particular evidence of 2 doses of MMR.
  2. Upload records of MMR x 2, Hepatitis B x 3 (or 4) ,Varicella x1 (or 2), BCG. and previous TB screening tests, where these have been done/completed.
  3. Attend UCC Student Health for Infectious Disease clearance on dates as per your timetable - 1st appointment usually within one month of registration.
  4. There is a fee for this service due at the 1st visit (core fee of 110 Euro). Additonal fees apply for any other vaccinations or TB tests we provide.
  5. You will usually get a text message to confirm the time of your appointment 2-3 days before your scheduled appointment date.
  6. Find us at 100m past the Bean and Leaf Coffee Shop at Victoria Cross, in the direction of The Kingsley Hotel. Our entrance is on left side of the road
  7. You must attend these appointment at least until UCC Student Health advises you  that you have completed your ID Screen Clearance requirements.
  8. Always bring photo ID in the form of your Passport or Driving Licence to these appointents until advise it is no longer necessary. 

Obtaining relevant vaccines' documentation: Ireland

If you have spent your childhood in Ireland, your GP may have some or alll of your vaccination records.

Use the following link to request records from the HSE:

Search:  to find the relevant Local Health Office’s contact to request your vaccination records.

Obtaining relevant vaccines' documentation: Overseas

If you have spent your childhood overseas, consider contacting your GP/Family Physician/Local Health clinic to obtain your records or use links below. 

Malaysia: Ministry of Health Malaysia:

Canada: Immunisation Canada on

USA: Local GP, Paediatrician or How to find my US child immunisation records


You may have received vaccines elsewhere, if so contact the relevant provider e.g. ; University Student Health Service, Travel Vaccination clinic etc. to obtain your records. 

TB Screen and Vaccine Data Form

Complete the Form and Upload your Vaccination Records

If the Form fails to load, refresh the webpage, or press F5 on keyboard. You may need to accept cookies or use a laptop or PC.

You must be logged on to the UCC network using your UCC Student ID/email to access this Form.

Enter your responses, continue to scroll to the end of the Form, and then click Submit when finished.

FAQs: Screening and Vaccination Programme

Q: What vaccines are recommended for UCC healthcare students?

A: MMR (2 doses), Varicella (1 or in some cases 2 doses), and Hepatitis B (3 or in some cases 4 doses), if not already immune or previously vaccinated

Q: Do I need to have these immunisations before I start my course?

A: No, these will be available during your first year at UCC. If you have had vaccinations previously, you must upload documentation via our Form

Q: Which vaccines are mandatory for UCC healthcare students?

A: None of the vaccines are mandatory. Any student who declines to be vaccinated against these illnesses or who has a confirmed medical contraindication to a vaccine may be denied placement in certain higher risk healthcare settings,and may therefore not acquire the core competencies to complete or graudate from their programme.

Q: Is there a National Guideline as to recommended vaccines for healthcare settings?

A: The National Immunisation Guidelines for Ireland (2008) (Chapter 18) outlines the vaccinations recommended for healthcare settings.

Q: Where can I get a copy of the UCC healthcare students ID screening and immunisation Policy?

A: Download from  Infectious Diseases Screening and Immunisation and BBV Policy

Q: Are there any other vaccines which may be of benefit for healthcare students?

A: Healthcare students should have the Influenza vaccine annually and ensure that they have completed the primary and booster course of Tetanus immunisations. These vaccines are available on request at the Student Health Department but are not included in the routine vaccination programme. 

Q: What is the Fee payable by students for the ID screening and Immunisation Programme?

A: If all your immunisations are complete the core fee payable is 110 Euro, and this is payable at the first ID screening and immunisation appointment via Bilinks our secure online payment system. All students are liable to pay the fee. You are exempt from paying this fee if you have paid UCC Student Health this fee has previously whilst undertaking another course in UCC,  or if you are a UCC PLUS student.

Other fees payable for vaccines and TB screening blood test as required.



Hepatitis B vaccine per dose (course=3-4 doses)


Varicella Zoster vaccine (per dose)


TB IGRA blood test


Chest X Ray (if needed)


Q: I have paid the ID Screening Fee to UCC previously as part of another UCC course. Do I pay again?

A: No.  If you have paid this fee to UCC Student Health previously you will not be liable to pay the fee twice.

Q: I have been screened and cleared in UCC or another health setting prviously, do I have to attend to get clearance agin?

A: Yes, clearance is mandatory at entry - prior clearance in another course or setting does not clear you at entry to your new course.

Q: I have obtained all these vaccines elsewhere, do I have to pay the core fee to obtain clearance?

A: Yes, you must pay the core fee of 110 euro. You will be deemed to have cleared  the ID screening and immunisation requirements only after all relavant documentation has been received and clearance status has been confirmed via Identified Validated Sample (IVS) blood test undertaken in the UCC Student Health Department.

Q: Why do I have to pay the core fee if I have been obtained these vaccinations elsewhere?

A: The core fee of 110 euro is payable even if you require no further vaccines from UCC. The core fee covers the cost of professional time involved in reviewing your vaccination history, undertaking the IVS blood test to confirm Hepatitis B immunity, and the administration of the programme.

Q: Can I get copies of of my vaccine records

A: Yes, please request via the online form.

Q: What is involved in Tuberculosis screening?

A: You must be screened to ensure you do not have Tuberculosis. This involves a series of screening questions  relatingto TB symptoms and possible prior exposure. In addition an IGRA Quantiferon blood test is required if you have not had BCG vaccination previously or you have lived for >1 month in a country with high endemicity of TB in the previous 2 years. BCG vaccine is currently unavailable and is not a requirement for your course.

Depending on travel history you may also need a chest x-ray.  You should remain vigilant and be aware of the symptoms of TB: persisting cough, night sweats, coughing up blood, or weight loss. If in doubt and you are concerned, discuss with a Student Health Doctor.

Q: Is it mandatory that I receive/have received a full course of 2 doses MMR vaccine?

A: A full course of 2 lifetime doses of MMR vaccine is recommended for healthcare students training in Ireland. It is not mandatory, however. There has been a significant outbreak of Mumps in University over the past few years, with students ill and occasionally missing time and unable to complete examinations in University. Cases of Measles in healthcare students have also occurred.

Q: Why are blood tests for IgG levels for Mumps not accepted as proof of immunity?

A:  Interpretation of Mumps IgG levels is problematic as there is no IgG level that definitively indicates immunity to Mumps infection.



TB Screening.

Screening Healthcare Students for Tuberculosis involves a series of TB screening questions, and in some cases an IGRA quantiferon Test +/- a Chest X-Ray.

Healthcare Students who are concerned that they may have contracted TB or have been exposed to a case of open TB resulting in them developing symptoms such as:

  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Unexplained persistent cough ongoing for > 3 weeks
  • Unexplained fevers or drenching night sweats
  • Coughing up blood or blood stained sputum
  • becoming ill having spent time in a country with a high prevalence of TB

should attend their Doctor or Student Health Department explaining their concerns where the Doctor can consider if further investigation is needed.

BCG Vaccine.

BCG vaccine is not required for your course, however you are required to attend for TB Screening.

Student Health Department

Seirbhísí Sláinte na Mac Léinn

Student Health Department, Crow's Nest Accommodation Complex, Carrigrohane Road, Cork, T12 HXW4 ,
