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ID Screen Recommendations

Infectious Disease Screening and Vaccine Recommendations

UCC Infectious Disease Screening and Immunistation Policy

Students* on certain courses with a placement in a clinical setting are subject to the UCC ID Screening and Immunisation Policy.

Students on certain courses must attend UCC Student Health Department for Infectious Disease Clearance. 

Infectious Diseases Screening and Immunisation and BBV Policy

*The School of Nursing and Midwifery is subject to HSE Occupational Health policy and procedures.

The Table below summarises the recommendations contained within the policy.

Infectious Disease(s) Vaccine Recommendation

Recommended minimum no. of doses and  minimum dosing intervals

Hepatitis B Engerix Vaccination Strongly Recommended2
Type No of Doses Dosing Intervals
Standard 3 doses 0,1,6 months
Accelerated 4 doses 0,1,2,12 months
Rapid 4 doses 0,7,21,365 days
Immunity confirmed using Identified Validated Standard Sample undertaken only in Student Health Department 3,4




MMR Vaccination Strongly Recommended2

MMR 2 doses (minimum)

At least one month between dose 1 and dose 2

Documentary evidence of 2 doses  of MMR5

Chicken Pox (Varicella) Varivax Vaccination Strongly Recommended2

Varivax 2 Doses 0, 4-8 weeks

A single dose varicella vaccine is available in some countries.

Written confirmation from Healthcare Professional or Healthcare Institution of completed course of Varicella vaccination OR completed course of Varicella Vaccine
Tuberculosis BCG6

BCG Vaccine Not Available

All incoming students will complete a TB Screening questionnaire. Students with a positive questionnaire and/or students who have not received BCG vaccine in childhood will undergo IGRA Quantiferon OR TST testing.

Students should be TB Screened and cleared prior to attend on placement TB Screening is Negative for infectious TB.
Exposure Prone Procedure (EPP) Clearance - All students on programmes7 which involve students undertaking EPPs to be screened to confirm they are non-infectious with Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. EPP Blood Test undertaken before students can undertake EPPS Hep B and Hep C non-infectivity confirmed using Identified Validated Standard Sample undertaken only in UCC Student Health Department3


  1. This table does not apply to UCC Nursing and Midwifery students. SoNM students are subject to HSE OCC policy.
  2. Vaccinations recommended as per the National Imunisation Guidelines for Ireland (Healthcare settings Chapter 18). Students who decline vaccination or are unable to achieve and sustain adequate levels of immunity may be unable to undertake placements in higher risk settings. This may prevent them acquiring the core competencies required to graduate from their programme.
  3. Identified Validated Sample Standard requires the student to provided Photo ID at time of blood sampling, and that the sample is taken and processed by the UCC Student Health Department Staff.
  4. Lifelong immunity is deemed to have been attained if An anti HBs levels of > 10mIU/ml is achieved in a single sample.
  5. Individuals born on or before 31/12/1978 are considered to be clinically immune to each of Measles Mumps and Rubella by virtue of likely prior exposure to the wild virus. Serology IgG levels are not acceptable as proof of immunity to Mumps. This is because interpretation of mumps IgG levels is problematic as there is no IgG level that definitely indicates immunity in those vaccinated. Evidence of immunity for individuals born since 1978 is documented evidence of 2 doses of MMR, or documented evidence of having previously suffered clinical measles, mumps and rubella. In the absence of this evidence the student should be vaccinated with at least at lifetime’s total of 2 doses of MMR vaccine minimum 1 months apart.
  6. BCG is not part of the routine control of Tuberculosis in some countries, including the US and Canada.
  7. Programmes involving EPPs are Medicine, Dentistry, Dental Nursing, Dental Hygiene, and Speech and Language Therapy.

Student Health Department

Seirbhísí Sláinte na Mac Léinn

Student Health Department, Crow's Nest Accommodation Complex, Carrigrohane Road, Cork, T12 HXW4 ,
