WiSPS Annual Conference

7-8 November 2014
WiSPS Annual Conference: Echo Chambers, Gender Reverberations
The myth of Echo is that of a garrulous story-teller condemned to repeat the words of others. Hers is a cautionary tale, whose afterlives can be traced in the cultural association of women with gossip and pillow talk and careless words that cost lives. It also resonates in the contemporary concept of the “Echo chamber” in media discourse: the way in which stories, facts and knowledge are transmitted in current times, through repetition, re-tweeting and reiteration, until all other voices and points of view are drowned out. Yet we also associate the echo chamber with reverberation, with spaces designed to produce the internal reflection of sounds, providing alternative models for considering cultural transmission and reception.
Confirmed keynote speakers:
Dr L. Elena Delgado, University of Illinois
Professor María Delgado, Queen Mary, University of London
Professor Nuala Finnegan, University College Cork
For any queries please contact the conference organizer, Helena Buffery (H.Buffery@ucc.ie), or the conference secretary, Eva Bru-Domínguez (e.bru-dominguez@bangor.ac.uk).
You can see the conference's full programme WISPS2014programme.