Talk with Pavel Cortés – Director of the Maguey Award
Friday 14th November – West Wing 8 – (Main Quad)
The Centre of Mexican Studies at UCC is delighted to host the Director of the Maguey Award, Pavel Cortés, as part of the events around the International Cinema Festival in Guadalajara.
Friday 14th November – West Wing 8 – (Main Quad)
The FICG presents the 4th edition of Premio Maguey, an award to the kind of movies that support, spread and promote an innovative cinema that presents stories around an open sexuality and a queer thematic. Premio Maguey is a new non-profit activity born out of the urgent necessity in Mexico and Latin-American countries, to promote a culture of tolerance, diversity and non-discrimination.
You can learn more about the International Cinema Festival in Guadalajara by visiting their website.