Fostering Quality Assurance Culture at Libyan Universities
The project objective addresses the development of sustainable Quality Culture and Capacity Building in Libyan Universities. As its title suggests, the project FOCUSes on supporting the modernisation agenda of Libyan universities through the promotion of QA and enhancing quality awareness at the university level. FOCUS, more specifically, aims at developing a viable and sustainable QA system within Libyan universities through the implementation of a capacity building programme, the development of a quality strategic plan and the enhancement of QA methodologies and mechanisms, which are in line with the national and Tempus priority.
FOCUS Visit to UCC
The FOCUS Delegation from Libya visited University College Cork on the 22nd and 23rd May, 2013. The delegation comprised eight people, representing three Libyan universities, namely: Omar Almukhtar University; University of Benghazi and the Libyan International Medical University.
The group were warmly welcomed by Fiona Crozier, the new Director of the Quality Promotion Unit. Staff from U.C.C. was on hand to meet with the group throughout the 2-day visit. Presentations were made to the FOCUS delegation on various topics, such as: Teaching and Learning; Online and Blended Learning; University Governance; Registry and Data Systems; Student Experience; Approval Process of Academic Programmes; Student Counselling; Buildings and Estates Services; IT Support; Strategic Planning; Institutional Research and Adult Education. The FOCUS group also met with a representative from the Students Union and the College Manager from the Medicine and Health. The FOCUS group were given guided tours of the university campus, the Boole Library facilities, the Medical/Health Services Complex and the Western Gateway Building.
On Wednesday evening, Professor Paul Giller, Registrar and Senior Vice-President (Academic) officially welcomed the FOCUS group to U.C.C. during a reception held in their honour in the Staff Common Room. The event was well attended by various categories of UCC staff including two fellow Libyans – Dr. Ahmad Ahmeda, Dept. of Physiology and Dr. Lamyai Anweigi, a research assistant in the Dental School and Hospital.
The FOCUS delegation’s visit to UCC was concluded by Fiona Crozier, QPU, on Thursday evening. Many contacts between the Libyan delegation and the university staff were established at the Welcome Reception and throughout the 2-day visit. The Quality Promotion Unit looks forward to engaging further with the Libyan universities and their representatives during the lifetime of the FOCUS project.
FOCUS visit
FOCUS visitors to UCC - May 2013
Members of UCC staff pictured below include:- Ms Fiona Crozier (Director of QPU), Prof. Paul Giller (Registrar and Senior Vice President Academic), Dr. A. Ahmeda (Dept. Physiology) and Dr. L. Anweigi (Dental Hospital).
The Libyan delegates pictured below include:- Prof. S. Abdalla, Prof. S. Abdulgany, Mr. I. Etterkawi, Dr. S. Elkrghli, Mr. N. Amaitik, Ms H. Naser, Dr. M. Elmansoury and Dr. M. Elammari.