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HICA-Harmonisation & Innovation in C. American HE Curricula

HICA Project -  Harmonization and Innovation in Central American Higher Education Curricula: Enhancing and Implementing the Regional Qualifications Framework  (“HICA” or “Marco-Innovate” or “InnovAC-QF”).

The aim of the HICA Project is to support the innovation of higher education curricula in Central American universities and the alignment of such curricula under a regional qualifications framework for higher education.

Specific objectives:

  • To further complete the regional qualifications framework for higher education in Central America (MCESCA), an output of the previous project ‘Alfa PUENTES’, that has been designed and adopted by CSUCA – the Central American University Council - and the rectors conferences of the region. This entails defining descriptors for the short cycle of higher education and indicating a common time and credit range for obtaining degrees in the region
  • To pilot the MCESCA on a sample of universities and disciplines in the region; This entails re-designing study programmes in those disciplines in order that they align with the generic learning outcomes stated in the MCESCA
  • To further promote and disseminate the MCESCA across the Central American region and Latin America more broadly to ensure buy-in of different types of public and private universities, employer organisations, quality assurance agencies and ministries
  • To encourage practice sharing and dialogue between European and Central American higher education stakeholders on the development and implementation of qualifications frameworks and their utility for the HE sector.

The following are the partners involved in the HICA Project:

European Partners (5): OBREAL (Coordinator-Spain), EUA (Belgium), HRK (Germany) and University College Cork, Ireland

Central American Partners (27):

CSUCA (Central America, coordinator)

  • CONARE, Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR), Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA), Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (ITCR), Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica, (UNED), Universidad Técnica Nacional (UTN), Ministerio de Educación de Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
  • Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras (UNAH), Universidad Pedagógica Nacional "Francisco Morazán" (UPNFM), Universidad Nacional de Agricultura, UNAG + Ministerio de Educación de Honduras  (Honduras)
  • Consejo de Rectores de Panamá (CRP), Universidad de Panamá (UP), Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí (UNACHI),Universidad Especializada de las Américas (UDELAS), Ministerio de Educación de Panamá (Panama)
  • Universidad de El Salvador, Universidad  Don Bosco de El Salvador, Ministerio de Educación de El Salvador (El Salvador)
  • Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC), Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala  + 1 additional university (Guatemala)
  • Consejo Nacional de Universidades de Nicaragua (CNU),Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, UNAN‑Managua, Universidad Nacional Agraria de Nicaragua, UNA; Universidad Nacional  Autónoma de Nicaragua (UNAN-León), Ministerio de Educación de Nicaragua  (Nicaragua)
  • Consejo Centroamericano de Acreditación de la Educación Superior, CCA

Associated Partners:

Federación de Entidades Privadas de Centroamérica, FEDEPRICAP

Federación de Cámaras y Asociaciones Industriales de Centroamérica y República     Dominicana, FECAICA

Confederación de Profesionales Universitarios de Centro América, CEPUCA

HICA Updates

The Kick-off Meeting for the HICA Project was held in Guatemala City from the 15th-17th February, 2016. U.C.C. was represented at the meeting by Cliona Maher, International Strategy Officer for Latin America, U.C.C.. Agenda and documents are available on the HICA website.

The first HICA training workshop on curricula reform was held in Antigue, Guatemala in April 2016. 

A second HICA training workshop took place in Managua, Nicaragua from the 12th-14th October, 2016. 

HICA Study Visit to UCC

21st - 23rd June 2017

HICA Study Visit to UCC: The Quality Enhancement Unit is delighted to announce that it will be hosting a Study Visit from the HICA Delegation from Central America at U.C.C. from the 21st - 23rd June, 2017. University College Cork has been a partner in this Erasmus+ HICA Project since 2016. During their time here the HICA group will be learning about a range of processes and best practices in place in UCC in areas such as quality, education, teaching and learning, student services and so on. The HICA group comprises approx. 40 x people who hail from the following countries: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. There will also be participants from Spain and Germany. 

QEU will be hosting a Welcome Reception for the HICA group on Wednesday, 21st June from c. 4.00pm onwards and all are very welcome. Further details and invitations will be issued in due course.


HICA Study Visit to UCC - June 2017

HICA Delegation at U.C.C.

The Quality Enhancement Unit hosted the HICA Delegation from Central America on a very successful study visit to U.C.C. from the 21-23rd June, 2017.  The HICA group (pictured above) comprised 40 x people from the following countries: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. There were also participants from Spain and Germany included in the group. Prof Nuala Finnegan, Head, School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, delivered the Opening Address in Spanish, which from the outset, made the Central American participants feel very welcome. During their time here, the HICA group met with staff members including Dr Marian McCarthy, Dr Catherine O’Mahony, Prof Paul McSweeney, Ms Eleanor Fouhy, Dr Declan Kennedy, Ms Mary Ward, Ms Anne Gannon, Mr Paul O’Donovan and Ms Elizabeth Noonan. A number of postgraduate students from Central America who are studying here in Cork also met with the group. Each student gave a short presentation on their experiences of, and insights into, studying in UCC.


Quality Enhancement Unit

Aonad Feabhsaithe Cáilíochta

6 Carrigside, College Road
