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Join us for a celebration of GENOVATE on December 9, 2016

GENOVATE and Gender In/equality: Successes, Challenges and the Path Ahead
All Welcome - register online here.
Exhibition from 11am with resources for supporting implementation of gender equality actions (and coffee)
Symposium 1.45pm - 4pm
Senator Alice-Mary Higgins
Dr Eucharia Meehan (Director, Irish Research Council): Transforming Irish Research through Gender Equality
Mr. Mark Ryan (former CMD, Accenture Ireland): Your Journey Must be Relentless
Dr. CaitrĂona NĂ Laoire (GENOVATE): The GENOVATE Journey and Gender (In)Equality
With welcome address by Professor Anita Maguire (Vice President for Research & Innovation and Member of GENOVATE's Institutional GEAP Management Board, UCC)
Chair: Mr. Paul O'Donovan (Academic Secretary, and Chair of GENOVATE's Institutional GEAP Management Board, UCC)
Q&A and Panel Discussion
Drinks Reception 4pm
Location: West Wing 6-9, The Quad, University College Cork